If you were to look up the definition to
STRESS in the dictionary I am sure my picture would be next to it. This week has just been one of those weeks. Its been up and down, good and bad.
I managed to change my ticket to go back to Texas a few days early so instead of getting there on the 20Th of October I am getting there on the 16Th of October. It didn't cost a dime since I used airline miles to purchase the ticket. So that was good. Once I made the change I started looking at tickets to a concert, Miley Cyrus. I know my little cousin Shae would just love to go. However I was not so lucky on finding two seats together :( Gabe however managed to snag two right near the stage and booked them for me when I was out on my run with Crystal Wednesday night. I came home and he was so excited about it, however they were booked in his name. He didn't think about that part when he booked them and after being on hold for ever that night and the next morning I ended up having to cancel the tickets and get a refund. Due to the fact that the Miley Cyrus Concert's are paperless tickets only you have to show your credit card and ID when entering the event. Since Gabe isn't going to be in Texas with me that just wasn't going to work. I tryed just changing the name on the tickets and they don't do that either. Needless to say that went from good to bad.
We are suppose to be having some people stay with us right now until around the 7Th or 8Th of Oct. and they keep pushing the date back and back on when they are coming which is totally fine by me. (he is in the Army, from Hawaii stationed here and he just got married so why they are waiting to get housing they are going to stay with us.) So that part is good, however I'm being super OCD about keeping the house clean because I can't stand the dogs getting the floor dirty.
Thursday night we had a FRG meeting, I was really looking forward to going because I wanted to get the exact dates for PTA. We have been told all along that it is in November and well Gabe's parents are coming for Thanksgiving and I wanted to make sure he was going to be here when they are here and not having to worry about them missing out on time together. Good news he gets back 3 days before they get here, bad news I get back from Texas on the 7Th of November and he gets back on the 18Th. So that part kinda sucks but its OK. On another note of info. from the FRG meeting we found out that Gabe will be in the field Oct. 14-16 meaning he will be in the field the day I leave for Texas which totally sucks. Now I am wishing I would not of changed my ticket. :( He is going to try and come home that night I leave so he can at least take me to the airport but we will see. My dear sweet friend Crystal is going to keep the pups. over night that one night for us since we totally didn't plan for it. Man she is a life saver. So that is a good thing. We also found out when block leave is for Christmas which doesn't really effect us because we are going to stay here on Island. We are planning on going camping. You would never imagine but it was my idea. I wanted to do something different this year and not just stay at home. Since it is our first Christmas that we will be together in the same place and my first Christmas away from all of my family, I wanted to make is extra special and as well seeing's right now there is a chance that Gabe will be deployed next December.
We planned my trip to Texas around when we thought PTA was and our 2ND year Anniversary so we could be together BUT....Gabe will be at PTA.....possibly, he has been on the schedule to go to a school during the same time frame which is only during the day meaning he will be home at night. Which means
WE WILL BE TOGETHER FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY. I'm trying not to get to excited about it yet because I don't wanna get my hopes up and then get let down. We will end up celebrating to the fullest and it will be an amazing time no matter what and when we celebrate. I'm looking forward to that. I already know what I want from my Gabers now I just gotta figure out what he wants or what to get him. (any ideas it will be two years November 9th.)
On not so much of a good note, they are cutting hours at work
AGAIN, I normally manage to work 8 hours a day which is awesome. A couple days last week I worked 5 or 6 hour days. Next week I am scheduled to work 6:30am-11:30am every day. I am hoping to get a few extra hours here and there but the more I think about it, its good. I have allot that I need to finish up before I leave so getting off early will give me the chance to do that. I was complaining to Gabe the other night, OK well almost every night this week about wanting to find a new job because I am tired of the hours always changing and going back and forth. But then I stopped myself and started thinking.....well at least I have a JOB. I know so many people right now both here on Island and back on the mainland that are looking for a job and can't seem to find one. So as much as I complain about the situation that I am in, I should be Grateful that I have a job and am getting the hours that I am. Heck, I'm not working past 6pm and not working on the weekends which I refuse to do so it's really not to bad.
Today I came home from work and checked the mail and much to my surprise I had a package from my mommy :) she sent me some Skittles and a giant dill pickle.
YUMMY!!! Yes, call me crazy but the two go together wonderfully. You eat out the middle of the pickle and drop the skittles right in and chow down. So so Tasty...."don't knock it till you try it", is what I say.
So my evening run with Crystal is going well. I am really enjoying it allot and feel wonderful after the fact. I am going to try my hardest to keep up with it when I go to Texas, but I know with so much going on and so much to do and people to see, I am sure I will get side tracked a bit.
Speaking of Texas I am so looking forward to going and seeing my family and friends. Doing a bit of shopping and eating. Some catching up and exploring around but I would be lying if I said I hope it goes by slow. There is so much going on here right now and I am going in a million different directions with so much on my mind. I am so just ready to go and get back in the routine of things that we have going on here.
BUT I REALLY REALLY CAN'T WAIT TO GO, I MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH AND HAVE NEVER BEEN AWAY FROM MY FAMILY FOR THIS LONG SO IT IS A BIT HARD FOR ME.To end the lovely fun filled packed week, Gabe has CQ tomorrow. Yeppers. on a Saturday which in my opinion totally
SUCKS. He was able to find someone to come fill in for him from 5pm on so it wont be to bad, just like another day at work for him. Its just annoying that it has to be on the weekend.
Oh well another week down, now time to enjoy our weekend and get ready to do the same old song and dance again next week.