Day 2~ Thankful to be 4 down......4 to go......then 4 more.
Day 3~ Thankful to have awesome In-Loves who sent me a Happy Anniversary card & fabulous weekly dinners w/ fantastic friends.
Day 4~Thankful to have such a loving & amazing husband.
Day 5~Thankful that I have became best friends with two of the girls I have had the chance to work with at the CDC. I love you Crystal & Sarah and am so blessed to have you in my life.
Day 6~Thankful to be able to celebrate such important moments in the lives of my friends, such as birthdays. Happy 27th Birthday John!!!
Day 7~ Thankful that I was able to host a dear friends Baby Shower @ my house & thankful for Sarah for all her help.
Day 8~ Thankful to have such a loving husband!!!!
Day 9~ Thankful for a wonderful 3 years of Marriage, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's to many more to come!!!!
Day 10~ Thankful for relaxing nights @ home & Country Music!!!!
Day 11~ Thankful for ALL our Veterans who have & are serving our country!!! I <3 & miss my Soldier like Crazy!!!!!!!
Day 12~ Thankful that I'm able to spend the evening at home talking to my honey & relaxing w/ the pups with out a thing to do.
Day 13~Thankful that I have great friends to spend my weekends w/ & to be done w/ Christmas shopping already.
Day 14~Thankful for modern tecnolgy & waking up to my husband.
Day 15~Thankful for baking puts out kitchen stove fires.
Day 16~Thankful for my Best Friend Angela and Sarah!!!!!!
Day 17~Thankful for friends that are there when you really need them most.
Day 18~Thankful for being able to capture little moments by photography & sharing with mommies of deployed spouses
Day 19~Thankful that I have a wonderful support system in Hawaii.
Day 20~Thankful I live in Hawaii, I love this place.
Day 21~Thankful for SHOPPING, oh how I love Holiday Shopping.
Day 22~Thankful for lazy evening's at home.
Day 23~Thankful for my amazing husband who gets me through each & everyday.
Day 24~Thankful for long 4 day weekends!!!!!!
Day 26~Thankful for Black Friday Shopping & Good Deals!!!
Day 27~Thankful for this wonderful life I have and what the future holds.
Day 28~Thankful for the rain, its so peaceful & relaxing.
Day 29~Thankful for a great team @ work.
Day 30~Thankful NOVEMBER is OVER!!!!!!!!!!