After our Jane Wayne Day we had a Battalion Hail & Farewell we had to attend. I wasn't to please with having to go at first because this was my day and the last thing I wanted to do was spend it with a bunch of people I didn't know. There was no getting out of it though, so we sucked it up and I put on a happy face. The hubby was getting Hailed into the company so it was nice to be there for that. After all the H & F were done that BN CO said my name and asked that I come up to the front were he was. (we were at a park on post under a pavilion) I was shocked and kinda sunk down behind the hubbs as he pushed me up. That's when I saw Kaira & her hubbs standing there with the CO holding a cake. Are you kidding me, I'm sure my face turned bright red as everyone started singing happy birthday to me. It was so sweet of her to do that and I will always remember it and will most definitely be getting her back one day soon. It's not a birthday with out a cake right!!!!

Later that night we met back up at K & C's place to head downtown for drinks. The celebrations were still underway. The original plan was we were all going to go out to dinner and then drinks after. However with the BBQ through in there, we decided to just eat there and go out later. It worked out perfect because we were able to go home and take our time on getting ready and then head out.

Our first stop was at a bar called the Flying Saucer, it was a first for me but the hubbs had been there before. It was a really nice laid back place with a large out door patio are were we took up 3 large picnic tables. A few drinks here, two shots later and meeting people that were stationed in Hawaii the same time as us, that also knew people we did was kinda fun.
I'm so glad that he is home this year to celebrate my big day. Having him here makes it that much more special and really just completes me. He's my world and no amount of money or gift could ever be better than being with him.
At some point some one decided it was time for us to get moving on to a new bar. Ok fine by me I'm just here to have a good time. So here we are headed to The Tin Roof which was just across the street, another first for me. The bar seen isn't really our thing, we don't go out a lot. This was actually a first for us since we've moved here to the South. (going out bar hoping together)
I love this picture of K & I, she made sure I had a fabulous night. The only thing that would have made it perfect would have been having my Spouse here with me. I hate going through these special events with out her, we did EVERYTHING together in HI and now its gone. On the plus side of things less that 35 days till I see her!!!!
Drunkin pictures are always the best right!!!! Headed to Bar #3, 80's party here we come!!!!
One of the female soldiers in the unit was celebrating her birthday tonight, (her bday was the day before) she was having a 80's party.

Doesn't he look super hot in his fabulous hat, or maybe not. Either way he's all mine and I'm totally fine with that.
I think it was safe to say that I was pretty done at this point. To many shots to count and endless amounts of drinks and I was done. I told the hubbs to cash out the tab and get his card back before we left.
They make the cutest couple ever and totally fit perfect together.
I'm so blessed to have finally made such a great friend here, really that the hubbs and I did. We get along so well and its so easy. No army wife / life drama just go with the flow.
These were taken right before the hubbs and K walked 5 blocks in the pouring rain to get the cars. There was no way at all that C & I were going to walk back to the car, I felt so sick to my stomach. Thankfully we have two fabulous other halves that took care of us. I still don't get it, I think K had just as much to drink as I did and she was fine. (well to a point anyhow lol) She said the rain helped sober her up which could have very well worked. I had a great birthday it was definitely one for the books to remember thanks to these two lovely people in my life!!!! The hubbs was so sweet and took care of my sickly self throwing up and all and didn't complain one time. He really is my HERO!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's to another year, I hope and pray that its as fabulous and fill with as much life as the last 26 years have been. I can't wait to see what is in store for me and my love together.