Our last day at port / sea we had breakfast while waiting for the rain to pass before we got off the ship. Just as we were finishing up Neal and his family came and sat down for breakfast at the table right beside us.
We posed for a picture and he did a little photobombing.
Funny story before we took the picture we were talking about asking him to photobomb our picture. Once we finally braved up the guts to ask him, he had no clue what it mint. Neither did his son-in-law that was sitting with him. So we explained what it was and he was happy to play along. It was pretty funny, we all got a good laugh out of it. He's a really nice guy, and from Texas you can't go wrong there .
Looking out over the Bahamas from the ship, the rain had finally cleared up so we headed in to town.

After the rain let up we ventured off the ship and into the city. No real game plan, other than a stop by Senor Frogs because the Spouse had never been before. As we walk through the side walk we over hear a local guy talking about city bus tours. He called himself "Show Time" or "The King" we stopped to hear him out and see what he had to offer. He was wearing this crazy hat and seemed really energetic. After much discussion and going back and forth on what we were going to do we decided to take him up on it. After all it was only $25 and we'd probably see more this way vs. just walking around. He told us to hang tight while he went and got his van. Shortly after he returned with music blaring, out he came blowing through a sea shell calling for "THE ROYAL FAMILY". We all looked at each other and laughed, what the heck have we got ourselves into. We loaded up along with another family (who had taken his tour in the years past) and were on our way. He drove us all through the town and showed us the most happening spots. It was crazy how many people were fishing and had set up stands to sell their daily catch. The economy was very sad, beautiful in places but very poor in others. We stopped off at a local beach to take a few pictures and look around. Not some were I'd be rushing to go back to, but at least I can say I've been there.

Our little group with "Mr. Show Time" on our lovely random bus tour around Nassau.
After the beach stop we made our way through some residential areas. We stopped at a local gas station that sold beers 3 for $5, which apparently is a really good deal for them. Nancy and Steve got something to drink. I myself am not a beer person, a few sips of Nanc's Smirnoff was all I could take. She was going old school.
We went to a local food truck were Mr. Show Time got out of the van and told us all to hang tight. We were a little nervous about what he was doing. Not sure if he was taking himself a lunch break of what. When all of a sudden he came back with food in hand. I am not one to try new food, I'm not adventurous at all and I don't eat sea food. I couldn't not try it though he was so nice to stop and do that for us and he seemed really excited about it as well. I don't know that we ever got a name out of him on what they were. It seemed like some form of a hush puppies inside was mini shrimp. I picked around the shrimp and ate some of the breading. It was ok, not great but at least I tried it. Back on the road but not for long we stopped off at another place. Once again he told us to wait here and he'd be back. He returned with a tray full of drinks which he passed out along with a bottle of Gold Rum. He poured a decent amount in every ones cup, had to share the goodness. Golly, the mixed frozen like drink tasted good before the alcohol. I wasn't quite ready to start drinking yet, guess I didn't have much of a choice. After mixing it up really well you couldn't taste the alcohol at all, this could either be a good thing or a bad thing if you had a few of them.

We finally made our way to Senor Frogs. The minute we stepped out of the van we were bombared by locals selling us bracelts for a donation. It was quite the sight, so comical. I think it was Sarah who made the comment on how we got robbed. We really had not choice but to say yes and buy one or two. I mean they had already slipped them on our wrist without us being able to object at all.
Once inside it was quite the show, with four ships in port it was packed with loads of crazy people. It would have made for some great people watching hands down. Sarah was a super sport and did a jello shot or two. We all enjoyed a drink in their giant "yard" cups before heading back to the ship. Talk about a major brain freeze trying to finish it off before boarding. At least S can finally say she's experienced Senor Frogs. It was more of a mellow one compared to once I've been to in the past.
There was three other ships along with ours in port. Ours was on the very end, left side of the picture.
This guitar along with one other one was signed by all of the different artist aboard the ship and auctioned off at the end of the week. All of the money raised went to two different charities. The one that I remember was the "Wounded Warrior" foundation. :)
Going out with a bang on our last night was Trace Adkins.
To me he didn't seem very personal, just first impressions though. He does have a really good voice and put on a good show. I knew he was really tall but didn't realize how big his arm muscles were. Not to mention his pants, seriously I don't know that they could have been any tighter. I over heard a few comments about how some people though he might get them custom made. Who knows.....
After dinner we headed to the Spinniker lounge to hear "Her & Kings County" play. We'd met several of the band members through out the week and hadn't had a chance to hear them play yet because we always had something else going on during their show.
Shot's to top off a fabulous week with two great girls and the new friends we made. It was by far the best cruise I've been on. I don't know that I'll ever be able to go on a regular cruise again. I mean it just wont be the same.
Group picture with
"Her & Kings County" after their show!!! I'd say they were more on the rock / country rock vs. straight country. Still not to bad of a group, they're coming to the South soon so I think I might try and go see them.
We ended the evening in the atrium listening to some of the different bands and artist. They were having a jam session, were they all got together and snag different songs and sang together.

It was a great week. I couldn't of picked two better people to go on this trip with and all the thanks goes to the Mistress aka Nancy for suggesting it last September. She comes up with the craziest idea and this one by far was a good one. I can't wait to do it again next year. I was so sad to see it come to a end. Having to part from the girls as we went our different ways and say our "see you soon's". I was so excited to get back home though and see my love. Being away from him for so long this time had been tough, it had definelty taken a toll on me.
Best girls trip for sure!!!! Love you Spouse & Mistress!!!!!!!
Boarding the Ship!!!! |
Getting the party started!!! |
Us with Neal |
A little loven with Trace |
And some good times with Blake!!! |