...years, since I've been back to AZ for a visit. We were actually still living in Hawaii the last time I went back. The hubbs went when we were in the middle of moving from HI to SC but I wasn't able to go. The In-Loves have come to visit us several times but we haven't been back to the Valley.
So to say I was so excited and looking forward to going "home" to AZ for Christmas would be a understatement. I absolutely love love the Hubbs' parents and his whole family. Going home with out the hubbs was super hard. His mom came to spend Christmas with me in HI one year when he was deployed and it was so hard. I was worried how I would handle it this year. Much to my surprise it went over very well!!! Silly me I don't even know why I was worried about it. The G and J family are so sweet and welcoming. The G's own their own Business, its a Appliance Repair Shop and their hope is that one day after the Army we will move to AZ to take it on as well. Since I was still living in HI last time I went to AZ, my feelings about moving to the Valley were not great. I was pretty much 100% against it. The dessert, PHX to be exact did not appeal to me at all. It was not my cup of Tea at all. Over the past year and a half I've become more open to the idea of living outside TX after the Army. And after this trip to the Valley I'm 100% on board with moving to AZ after we get out. If that's what we decide to do. The In-Loves have moved out of PHX and to Buckeye which is about 45 mins. out of the city. Its a nice open area, best way to describe it would be the AZ Country. Its right up our alley. Away from the city but some small local stores are still close by. Mountains and Dessert for miles and miles. It was simply perfect!!! There were even a few homes in the area that were for sale and the idea of wanting to purchase one now and rent out till we could move there might have crossed my mind but it of course that would be just crazy. And not something we can do right now or for that matter would even consider.
I so enjoyed being able to go up to "The Store" (were the in-loves worked) and hang out for a bit during the day. Get to know the business more and they even put me to work while I was there. I mentioned to the FIL to just add me on to the Pay Role a time of two and we just laughed. I could really see us living there in the years to come. I've mentioned it before but I truly have been blessed with two of the most amazing In-Loves ever!!! I hear stories after stories of people who absolutely can not even be in the same room as their spouses parents. But I'll jump at the chance to spend time with them. We had an amazing week together. I was even able to spend some long over due time with our fabulous friends P & N and meet there two new beautiful daughters they recently adopted. I was heart broken having to leave and go back to TN. If I could I would have stayed through New Years week but work and life must go on and I had to get back. Let's be honest getting back to our big queen size bed, the puppies and my on going Netflix / Hulu Marathon was very welcomed.
Christmas Day the whole family came over for a yummy lunch that the MIL and I worked so carefully to prepare. We played a crossword puzzle game that one of his aunts put together, we had dessert and chatted catching up from the past years. G has two cousins and one of them got married last spring, we had briefly met his girlfriend a while back but it was in passing. The two of us girls really got a chance to sit down and chat and get to know one another a bit more over Christmas lunch. We exchanged FB and have chatted since then. Its crazy because both of us have been in the family for the past 8 years. Her as his Girlfriend and me as G's wife. It's so nice to have another girl in the family!!!! I can't wait to go back to the Valley so soon, it most defiantly will be much soon than 4+ years. Its so comforting seeing how well his whole family gets along and how much they love each other. They may not all agree with what each other does but they are able to all come together for each other and have a wonderful Holiday Celebration and Life. That's a bit more than I can say for some of my family. I'm so proud and blessed beyond belief to be apart of this family and wouldn't at all wish to have it any other way.

Just a Few Pictures from my trip!!!
Aren't these girl's just adorable!! Love Getting to catch up with P & N its been far to long!!

Matching Christmas Eve Jammies for My MIL.

Just a Few Pictures from my trip!!!
Aren't these girl's just adorable!! Love Getting to catch up with P & N its been far to long!!
Matching Christmas Eve Jammies for My MIL.
I didn't take many pictures from Christmas Lunch but I though I'd share these two yummy dishes.

The Nephews! They've gotten so big.
Family Lunch!!
After a long day, me and this guy curled up on the couch together.