We celebrated our 8th Wedding Anniversary Yesterday. We spent the weekend in Gatlinburg, TN in a cute little cabin nestled in the woods. Life couldn't have been more perfect!!
We headed out Friday late morning after spending a unplanned hour+ getting the oil changed in my car. Never the less we where on our way. First stop was lunch before getting on the highway. Hubbs asked what I wanted, we agreed we'd grab something quick and easy. As against eating Fast Food any more I responded with Chick-fil-a. I hadn't had CFA since my Birthday back in April and for some strange reason it sounded like the best idea ever!!!! I mean it was our anniversary weekend after all so why not splurge a little.
We arrived in downtown Gatlinburg around 6pm that evening after sitting through traffic in Pigeon Forge for almost a hour. Talk about crazy, simply to go about 12 miles. At least it gave us plenty of time to plan out our day for Saturday. Looking at all the shops and sights we knew we had a packed day ahead of us. We found our cabin, looked around and decided since it was still early to head out on the town. The streets where crawling with people...locals and tourists from every where. There where so many cute little shops that we popped in and out of on our quest to find the perfect dinner destination. We ended up at a little Mexican joint right when you come into downtown by the Aquarium. The hubbs and I are all about some good Mexican food, even with the wait being almost a hour. We walked into the bar area which was our doors to get a drink while we waited and lucky for us it was open seating first come first serve. We snagged a table just in time and whelp there went that hour wait. Dinner was so tasty, I really don't drink all that often when we go out. Partly because I'm cheap and partly because I really try to watch my calorie intake and what I eat / drink but that Strawberry Banana Margarita was sounding pretty fabulous. I love anything Strawberry Banana Mixed so why not give this a try I though. Plus we're on vacay right!?!?! :) It lived up and was the best.

We strolled up the other side of the street on our way back checking out the different stores before grabbing Ice Cream from MayPops on our way back to our cabin. I love love ice cream, my favorite is Peppermint and / or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Neither of which they had in stock but they did have Banana Pudding and Cookies' n Cream. I'll take two scoops, one of each in a cups please. If I would have known the size of their single scoop I'm pretty sure I would have only ordered one scoop I was huge. A double scoop was like almost 4 scoops for a normal ice cream joint. You better believe it was good, I couldn't finish it though. I would have been so sick. We spend the rest of the evening relaxing in our warm cozy cabin.

The next morning we strolled down to Crockett's Breakfast Camp for a tasty morning meal. I loved how everything was within walking distance. It made it so nice not to have to mess with parking. Well, Let me tell you they did not disappoint. Between the hubbs Eggs Benedict, my Create Your Own Biscuit and the FRIED Cinnamon Roll we split we where definitely happen Campers when we left.

We spent the majority of the day in Pigeon Forge doing some shopping and random sight seeing. We had no idea there was a outlet mall there as well as 3 different stores that sold Fiestaware. We definitely made out good with some new finds. It a bit of a dreary day, kinda cloudy so at least we did have anything big planned outside. We where so busy with shopping that we kept pushing lunch back and before we knew it, it was almost 4:30pm and we where starved. Originally we where going to try out a place back in Gatlinburg near our cabin for dinner but we knew that would be at least a hour or so drive be time we got back to our cabin and walked down there. So we decided we'd try out Paula Dean's Restaurant we spotted earlier in the day. Hey its not 5pm yet there shouldn't be to long of a wait right?!??! Yea, that's what though. After having to park almost a half a mile away, (the shopping area it was in, include a hotel and lots of other sights so it was a huge area.) and finally getting to the restaurant we where told it would be almost a 2 hour wait. aaaaahhhhh you've got to be kidding me. Whelp, the hubbs stuck it out and said that was fine. I really would have been fine going some where else but he's such a good sport. We spent the next hour or so checking out the different shops and doing a little sight seeing there on what they called "The Island" before parking out booties in the rockers out front. Dinner was fabulous, or course did you really expect anything different. Although for the wait and price I'm not sure we will be going back but at least we can say we've been right. :)
We finally made our way back to our cabin and since it was still early we decided we would go ahead and check out the Ripley's Aquarium. I mean because we had done enough walking already that day. It was so nice though because it was later in the evening it wasn't crowded at all, there wasn't a ton of little kids running around every where and we were able to really take our time and look at everything we wanted to without having to wait for the little people to move. We always try to make a point to visit the local aquarium where ever we go since we where married in one. We did a bit more walking around downtown afterwards before, calling it a night and heading back. We where exhausted and my feet where killing me.

Sunday morning we went to FlapJack's for breakfast for some yummy pancakes. I had Peanut butter and Banana. They where pretty good but we both agreed we loved Crockett's even better. After breakfast we stopped in a local donut shop that we both had wanted to try out. yes Even though we had just eaten. We did pick up a little treat for later in the day. :) From there we rode the sky lift up to the top of the mountain right there in downtown. And since we got there so early we didn't have to worry with waiting. Which meant we literally walked right up and sat down in our lift chairs. I didn't have much time at all to think about what we where doing and we a little nervous on the way up. The view from up top offered such stunning sights. It was simply gorgeous. Looking down over the city, we could even see our cabin. We eventually headed back down and to the cabin where our day continued.

We spent the better part of our day driving through and exploring through the Great Smoky Mountains, a first for both of us. As we drove through the mountains to Cade's Cove it was simply beautiful. The trees changing colors and the different look out area's offered such breath taking views. I could have spent all day just wondering around within the mountains taking it all in.
Eventually though we had to call it a day, the sun was setting and we where starting to get a bit hungry. So back to the cabin to freshen up before heading out to dinner at Cherokee Grill. And because my husband loves me, and supports my love of Ice Cream we went back to MayPops for a little after dinner dessert. Snug in bed, next to a warm cozy fire was the prefect way to end our last night away.
Monday morning we woke up, Happily Married 8 Years. I can't believe its been EIGHT YEARS, since we said "I DO"!!! Some days it seems like it should be much longer and other days it seems as though we just got married last month. Either way I wouldn't change it for the world!! We decided to go back to Crockett's Breakfast Camp for Breakfast since we both loved it so much the first time.
After a quick walk through downtown we decided to call it a trip and start heading back. It raining and we didn't want to have to drive home wet and cold so it worked out just fine. We made a stop in Knoxville and toured the Knoxville History Museum on our way back. The plan was to go to a fancy little Steak House in downtown Clarksville since it was our Anniversary night but thankfully on the way home I looked up the hours.... sadly only to find out they where closed on Mondays. No biggie we will go to such and such place in Hop-Town, womp womp they where closed as well. We couldn't decide where we wanted to go. I wanted something different a bit fancy but everything was closed on Monday nights. Yes we HAD to go Monday night because it was OUR NIGHT. So w agreed we go to the steak house another night and ended up at Cheddars for dinner. Its ok, it worked out perfect, we had a tasty meal and where home early enough to relax and enjoy our Anniversary dessert we'd picked up earlier in the day.
I absolutely love love celebrating our Anniversary together, we have been so lucky to have only missed being together for 2 out of the 8 years. Which being in the army life that's pretty rare. We've already talked about what we want to do to celebrate for the next two years and I can't wait!!! It was by far a fabulous weekend, we made so many wonderful memories. I cherish each and every moment we have together.