* I haven't typically run much through our little neighborhood because well its pretty small. To get any good distance in with out venturing out on the main road I'd have to do a couple loops around our circle. That gets old real quick. Last week I did finally make my way into the neighborhood that's right across from ours. Just thinking it was a short dead in street I figured I'd at least check it out. Low and behold I ran across this street sign. Made me miss my love so so much!!! I was able to get a good 4 miles combine with my normal route all together. So not to shabby.
* April 10th made a year that we signed on our house here in TN, I still can't believe sometimes that we own a home. It's been a great year and we've learned a lot about being home owners. Thankfully we haven't had any problems at all. Knock on Wood. We've made a few changes / adjustments around the house but for the most part its been working well just as is for us. I'm looking forward to many many more years of memories made in our first home.
* Last Sunday I met up with one of our sweet friends from our time at Jackson. Drill SGT Cutter was here at Campbell going through a school for a couple weeks. Her and the Hubbs were Drill SGT's in the same Platoon together and became good friends. I know G was bummed he didn't get to see her but it was great to catch up and have a yummy lunch together.
* That afternoon I decided I'd better run off that yummy fried chicken I had at lunch and counter balance it with a healthy protein filled dinner. A 4 mile run and a Avocado Boiled Egg Sandwich was the perfect ending to a great weekend!!!

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DS Cutter, the Hubbs, DS Brady |
* The week before last I was pretty stoked with my run and pace. 4 miles in under 40 minutes and my pace was in the high 9's. Not to shabby at all for just getting back into the running season. Little did I know that was only the beginning.
* This past Wednesday rolled around and I headed out for my run on my lunch break. I never really have a plan going into it during my lunch runs, I just go for it and figure it out along the way. 3.10 miles later - I was over the moon with my pace and time. It may not be much for some but for me it was awesome.
* April's my Birthday month, I'll be 29 so I set a goal to run (at least) 29 miles during the month. I accomplished and passed that goal on Friday with my 5 mile run during my break. I went down further than I normally do on my route which meant I had some killer hills to come up on my way back. Figuring that would set my pace back a little, I was mentally prepared for it. Nope I crushed it yet again.
--I've got the distance down, now it's just working on the pace. I'm not trying to get to a certain pace or time. Simply working on pushing myself, maintaining and getting stronger and if my pace continues to gets better that's just a added bonus.--
* A friend of mine from Texas makes these cute adorable signs, pretty much anything you want it to say she can to. I set her this quote I'd see a while back that I though would be fitting for our back patio and she had it whipped up in no time. I'm just getting around to hanging it up but I think it fits perfect on our patio.