Jared & I talked and we decided that I would wait until after block leave was over and then I would start to look for a job. We wanted to make sure that nothing came in the way of us being together during his time off. However that didn't keep me from applying for different positions here and there. I wanted to make sure that I was able to get a job and help with the income as well as saving to. Being our first home together and the fact that it is in Hawaii, I was a bit nervous about bills and what not. (thankfully we have no debt & both cars are paid off, I still worry). He has said all along that we do not need the second income and that we will be fine with just his pay, but I feel bad leaving everything on him (his income) it's not right at all. I have no reason to stay at home and just sit there every day and do nothing, when I could be working. Beside I would go CRAZY staying at the house all day by myself. (yea, I'm sure there are things I could go & do but Gabe & I do every thing together so it wouldn't be the same).
Back to job applying......I wasn't to worried about finding my dream job out here or a super awesome paying full time job because with us being here for such a short amount of time it isn't worth the time and trouble. Back in January I applied for the Child Care Development Center here on post "Peterson Child Care Center" and well 3 months later I am standing in the parking lot at the commissary waiting on Gabe & I get a call from them asking to come in for a interview the following Monday. (day before my birthday mind you) I was so excited and Gabe was I think even more stoked about it than I was. Child care was not my first choice to go back in to but seeings I have tons of experience in it I new it would be a easy one to get.
The job pays great, better than any preschool I worked at back home and I would receive 25% cola on top of my hourly pay so that's always a plus. So over the weekend I update my resume once again made a few phone calls to get recommendation letters and then Monday rolls around. I head off to my interview and as soon as I walk in I realized that I was still wearing my flip flops and left my heels in the car, oh well I wasn't gonna go switch them now. There was two other people waiting to be interviewed as well and so this made me a bit nervous. It came my turn, I went in and there was 3 ladies in the room, all super sweet and ready to go. They went around the room and asked me questions and made their little notes & just when I thought it was done they told me to pick two songs that I would sing to a class of preschoolers and sing one to them. "WHAT??" are you kidding me, my mind went blank. I couldn't think of one single song. Then it came to me The Itsy Bitsy Spider, so I sang that one and my second was Going On A Bear Hunt (thankfully I didn't have to sing it). They seemed please and had one more challenge for me, I had to read them a children's story of their choice as if they were my class of preschoolers. AAAAAHHHHH
I'm going crazy here, I am a out going person and love people but I really have to get to know you first. So this was a bit much for me.
They "Thanked me for coming in and said that, it would probably be any were from 2-3 weeks before I heard back because it had to go to this person and then this person and then their chain of command and then they would Make their decisions."
Blah, so back home I go to wait for Gabe to get home from work so I can tell him how it went and what they said.
First things first, it's not so much what we were thinking at all. The way you are hired on at Peterson is being a sub. first or as they call it a being in a Flex. position. Meaning when someone is on vacation I would fill in or if someone calls in sick I would fill in for them. Kind of on a needed bases I would work and as time went on I could be hired on as part or full time even. The pay would be the same and I would still received the cola, just not any other benefits such as health and what not. But that was fine with me, I got all that through Jared. I was some what bummed at first with the idea of it not being a set Mon. - Fri. job, but the more I though about it and talked with Jared, it would still give us the second income I was so worried about and the flexibility to go and do what ever I needed when I wasn't working. So it couldn't be that bad really. "Now I just have to sit and wait for the phone call".
Well Tuesday came and It was my birthday super busy with our HHG's finally getting here dinner that night and just straighting the house. Then rolled around Wednesday about 2pm I get a call and It was a lady, Alma was her name from human resources offering me the job at Peterson. I was so relieved and happy WOW what a quick couple weeks. I don't have to stress so much now, and I wont feel like I am letting my husband down by not having a job. I quickly hung up to call him and tell all about it.
Thursday I have in processing to fill out all the paper work and then after a TB test I am good to go and can start. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know call me crazy because I want to work and am excited about it when I live in Hawaii but I'm not one of those wife's who is going to leave everything on my husband and have him stress about it even when he tell me that it will be ok. We are in this together and so together we will both be working, unless for whatever reason one of us can't.
I love my life here in Hawaii and I know this is just going to make the experience here that much more better. I am excited about starting this new journey and getting back into the work filled.
I'm so proud of you babe...I love the fact that you love Gabe so much that you wouldn't want to burden him with all the bills. Even if he can pay them all, the money you are making will go to savings and you can spend that however you two want! I am glad you waited, so you two could spend all of his block time together. I'm so like you...I can't work until June 1st because that is when my contract ends, but I still applied to a few jobs once a week because I wanted things ready, so I wouldn't burden Greg. After two weeks, I finally got the job that I really wanted...didn't realize it at the time. I never thought I would go back to being a nanny but a professional nanny sounds good to me and the pay beats teaching...so that makes me happy. I won't be getting benefits but like you, I don't need them because Greg's company has great benefits. I think we are going to both be really happy. I actually think you have the greatest personality to work with kids. You are so upbeat and happy and the kids will love you!
I meet with the family I am going to possibly nanny for on Wednesday. They have 7 kids...yes you read that right...but only 3 will be home with me. The other 4 will be in school and I leave right when they get home because that is when their parent comes home. Thank God...but I will have all 7 on occasion but they are 12-16, so I am not too worried because they can fend for themselves! :)
Tiffany, I think your job sounds wonderful, there isn't that much to do at home with just the two of you, so glad you got a job. Forgot when you said you all would be able to come to the states for a visit, know Gabes folks are coming Thanksgiving to see you and you said maybe Roger...wonderful! Know you will enjoy seeing them. Love Nene
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