The cake was originally suppose to be for day two but we decided last minute to bring it along for dinner Friday evening. With a few of her closest friends surrounding her we gathered for a fantastic meal at Bucca di Beppo. I am absolutely in love with that place. There was people there that she had worked with and then people she had met through the army. I had met one of the "army" people briefly about 2 weeks ago but other than that I didn't know anyone there. It worked out neat because all her "work" people sat at one end of the table and all us "army" people sat at the other end of the table. As us "army" people talked and exchanged stories, I gained 3 new friends that are sweet as ever.
As the night came to a end we had so much food left over, everyone still managed to have some room for yummy cake. The first time T saw the cake was when the wait staff brought it to the table. She just absolutely loved it, the smile on her face and excitement in her eyes was priceless. I was worried about the flavor because I'd only had Red Velvet one other time and I can tell you I was not a fan of it at all, but this cake was SOOOOO good. I was totally sold on it by the end of the evening.

Going with the "5th Anniversary of her 21st Birthday" as the theme for the party mint nothing else but to go big or go home. I snagged a few small shot bottles of alcohol at the Class Six on post, the cutest little box and a "Happy 21st Birthday card" as her gift. It went perfect with the theme of the day, you are only as old as you make your self out to be. SO LIVE LIFE UP AND ENJOY IT BECAUSE YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day two of events started with a mad dash through the commissary with T getting food and drinks for the BEACH PARTY!!!!!!! A hour and a half late (party was suppose to start at 12pm) after sitting in traffic on our way to Chuns beach on North Shore we finally arrived. Both my car and hers loaded with food, drinks, tables, a tent and the rest of the cake. It was a gourges day out and we had a blast. T's friend H has a boat and drove it down to the beach from Haleiwa harbor, after hanging out on the beach for a while a few of them decided they were gonna go take the boat out and go fishing. They just happened to invite me along and I was quick to take them up on it. I grew up on the water, going out in the boat every weekend and driving it around so this was right up my alley. While H went spear fishing I had the chance to drive the boat around the Pacific Ocean with Branch. It was SOOO much fun, it felt like old times on the boat back in Texas. Radio up, guys had a drink and the only thing missing was my ski and a rope. After about a good hour of driving around in the boat we went back to the beach and hung out a bit more with the birthday girl had some good laughs and played catch with the football. Another trip was a must and this time more people came along for a ride. H let me drive the boat the entire time which was totally awesome, as we drove down to Sunset beach we saw 2 rainbows, drove under a few rain clouds and just had a blast cruising around the Pacific. I was a happy girl and just wish that Gabe could have been here to join in on the fun.
The evening ended around 8pm with us finally packing up and off to Breakers for some more celebrating. T & myself along with 3 of the guys decided to go, It was semi short lived for T and I as the guys were a bit crazy do to the lovely alcohol but we still had a awesome time. It was loads of fun meeting new people and just hanging out not having to worry about a thing in the world. I really needed to just let go and have a good time. The stress of the deployment and work along with the lack of sleep has taken a toll on me so today was a MUCH needed FUN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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