Still chatting away, I quickly finished eating and doing the dishes and then it was time to open gifts. Gabe & I agreed not to do gifts until he came home for R&R however we both caved in and got each other a little something to have on Christmas morning. His gift was the first one I opened and much to my surprise it was a book on Muscle Cars.
He's such a goof but we do both love our cars!!!! I loved it so much and cant wait till he gets home so we can continue our Christmas together. I sent him a box of his favorite goodies along with some pictures that I had taken and a stocking filled with my love.
I finished opening the rest of our gifts both from my mom and the Gabriel family. It was a nice quiet morning a bit different than last year but we made it work and I will continue to. I was in such a funk all morning that I didn't want to do a thing but lay in bed, but knowing how much he loves me pushed me to get up and make it through the day. It's ruff being away from him and I hate it more than ever.
My mom must know how much I love pictures and how proud I am of my last name and who I'm married to. She made this for Gabe & I and I just love it so much. I have to fine the perfect frame for it so all my lovely friends can see!!!!!!! THANK YOU MOMMA!!!!!
This is the bag I happened to mention to Cathy when we were at the PX that I was going to get before we PCS'ed. She was so sneaky in getting it for us, now we just have to get one more. You can bet with this I will be packing all my clothes and MORE to take with me on the plane.
The afternoon part of our day was spent cruising around the island taking in the beauty of it all. Down to Hawaii Kai and around Kaneohe and a stop off at Bellows Air Force Station. We also managed to squeeze in a pit stop at the Pali lookout, some days like today I still can't believe I've been given the opportunity to live in such a beautiful place. I enjoy getting out and exploring the Land of Aloha so much, something about it just puts a smile on my face and warms my heart.
~Scenic lookout along kalanianole Highway~

I had a wonderful evening definetly one I wont forget. It may have not been the best Christmas I've ever had but its up there on the top 5 list. I may not have been able to spend it with the one I love but I'm thankful that his mom was so willing to come all the way out to be with me over the Holidays. :) I have been so blessed with everything I have in my life, and could never ask for anything more than. Well other than having my hubby home with me right now that is.

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