With my work hours and the time difference between Hawaii & Iraq, I am able to talk to Gabe before I go to work in the mornings and before I go to bed at night. It makes things a little bit easier seeings that I don't really have the ability to always answer my phone at work. Thankfully when I'm working he is sleeping, And when I am sleeping he is working. The timing of things has really worked out as well as the technology that we have through this deployment. So with as busy as I have been I have still been able to talk to my love when ever he is online. (thanks to my lovely high speed celly phone with Internet & my lovely HOT PINK 3G Ipad)
3~work, picked up Gigi from her FCC provider & watched her for a bit, went to B's house to watch the Bachelor & dinner
4~work, picked up Gigi from her FCC provider & took her to her home, ended up staying & chatting w/ Vic. for hours
5~work, meeting with K about a up coming baby shower
6~work, 2nd brigade half way celebration on sills field
7~work, girls dinner @ Sarah's
8~BEACH DAY, lunch w/ B @ Cholo's, shopping w/ Sarah, ICE SKATING w/ Sarah & Nancy
9~lazy morning, lunch with G @ Ruby Tuesday's, DOG BEACH w/ Sarah & our pups.
10~work, came home early bc I was sick :( laid around all evening & watched TV
11~work, left @ 1pm bc I was still sick, grabbed lunch in Haleiwa @ my fav. sandwich shop, relaxed on the beach for a few hours, babysat lil S. that evening
12~work, evening to myself @ home
13~work, went to a passion party with Nancy, Sarah & Renee :)
14~work, babysat K & L from 5:45 - 7:45
15~babysat ALL day (8:30am - 7:30pm) S & G, went bowling with Sarah & Nancy had a fabulous time
16~DOG BEACH w/ Sarah & the pups, cleaned my car, commissary trip, got all the laundry caught up
17~OFF WORK, got a estimate on getting the truck fixed & dropped it off to go ahead with getting fixed, lunch @ Chili's w/ Sarah, shopping @ Walmart, Price Busters, Ross & the commissary again, cleaned our bedroom
18~work, dinner @ A's house in Ko'Olina w/ Sarah & Nancy
19~work, dinner @ Sarah's house with her & Renee
20~8:30-12:30 waiting for maintenance to come to my house, work, baby shower for D. @ 6pm
21~work, babysitting K & L from 5:45 - 7:45 & S from 5:30 - 10:00
22~WORK BLAH!!!!!!! (training day) from 8:30am - noonish I think, hoping to pick up the truck, SPENDING THE EVENING in WAIKIKI hitting up the town w/ Sarah & Nancy & staying downtown for the night !!!!!!! yay for hotel nights w/ awesome girlfriends
23~sleeping in recovering from the night before lol, BBQ @ Noon @ the W's new house on North Shore, clean the backyard (doggies poop so they will mow it)
24~work, babysitting K & L from 5:45 - 7:45
25~work, work on taxes
26~work, babysitting K & L from 5:45 - 7:45
27~work, Pampered Chef party @ my house (hoping to find out some BIG NEWS as well)
28~work, possibly having a sleep over w/ lil K @ my house
30~PRO BOWL w/ Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW, that was exhausting just going back through it all and seeing whats to come. I love staying so busy & fill blessed that I have some amazing friends to help me do so. Time does not seem to be flying by but it is definitely going by and I'm enjoying it passing right along. I wouldn't at all be mad if it sped up just a bit. I can NOT wait to see what February has in store for me!!!!!!!!!
Wow girly! You ARE busy! LOL
Oh my goodness...you certainly are busy chickadee!! Good thing a lot of it is fun stuff :) Before you know it, next month will be here :)
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