the things we had said we were going to work on as a couple we are doing that & more. i'm so happy with the way things are going so far & truly believe it will only bring us closer & help us build a stronger relationship. we have re~broken the kitchen in quite well since he has been home, we both love cooking & doing it together is so much more enjoyable. yesterday gabe tried his hand at fresh homemade guacamole which turned out fantastic i must say. tonight he switch gears to homemade salsa umm umm good. we are using it as the enchilada sauce for the ground turkey enchiladas as well that we are making for dinner. I have missed cooking in the kitchen with him badly. its one of the many things we enjoyed doing together. trying new things is something that is always fun & exciting, its a out of the box kinda thing.....only nothing comes out of the box lol. for breakfast in the morning i have prepped a "do ahead breakfast", you make it the night before & it sits over night, in the morning you pop it in the oven.... its just that easy.
one thing i didn't miss during the deployment was the mounds and mounds of laundry. we have done 4 loads in the almost 3 days he has been home. of course now most of that was all of his uniforms, pt's & socks.....did I mention pt's. i don't think i have ever folded that many pt's at one time. but i don't mind it one bit if that means my love is home, i could just think of plenty other things i would rather be doing. lol.
this morning we both jumped back into our work out routines (well i did, he started yesterday), i went for my run while gabe worked it out at the gym. this afternoon we went to lunch at california pizza kitchen followed by some shopping at the sprint store were my love got a new phone. bed bath & beyond was a must stop as well to stock up on k~cups, a trip to target & the nex were we left both stores empty handed which is rare for us. well i take that back we did get treat ourselves to starbucks :) at target.
the pups are sure getting loads & loads of attention, they love it because gabe will let them lick him like crazy were i wont. ewh ewh ewh, no thank you. i love my puppies but not the slobbery wet tung to the face kisses. tomorrow we are planning on taking them to the dog beach to let them run around & play. i took them a few times through out the deployment but frankly bailey stresses me out when i take her by myself so i'm really looking forward to tomorrow.
beer me.........gabe does not drink alot at all, hardly ever to be exact but he sure is making up for missing out over the last year. i love it, i don't know why or how to explain it but i love him just being him.
just a sneak peek of life lately over the last 3 days here in the gabriel house hold, stay tuned for more to come. lots of exciting adventures, meals :) & fabulousity to come over the next year and even further after that.
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