I ran this race with two lovely ladies I have grown close to over the years here in Hawaii. Vic. herself super rock star mom is a former Army Reserves Soldier. Christel is still rocking her way through the Army while raising her son & being a duel Mili. spouse as well. Both great friends with amazing goals in life that just encourage me want to push myself that much more.
Making our first lap around the airfield I had no clue my husband was on watch at different areas taking pictures. This was right after some rude jerk honked his horn at us to move out of the MARKED RACE LANE so he could get around us. "hello mister do you not see the 50 + people running in front of us & behind." Ugh, people like that make me so mad.
HALF WAY HALF WAY!!!!!!!! We just passed the half way mark, feeling good refreshed & hydrated only 5 miles to go. We got this in the bag I told Vic as we waved to Gabe as we passed him again. (this time we saw him lol)
Oh Goodness how I longed for this sight, crossing the finish line. The last 1/2 mile I pushed myself faster than ever because I was ready to be done. I was ready for a bottle of water, I was ready to just fall into my husbands arms and have him hold me up because I was exhausted and beat by the sun. I didn't have a goal time to finish in at all, my goal was to simply FINISH. Around miler maker 8 Vic mentioned we were at 1hr & 40 something minutes. I told her I wanted to finish in under two hours, at that point I had a GOAL and had to make it happen. I stepped up my pace and pushed myself I could see the line of cars in the distance near the finish line. Soon the little red tent were the time clock was that we ran past came really close in sight. I knew I could do it. I just pushed and pushed not thinking about how bad it hurt or how much I just wanted to give it. I kept on running and crossed the finished like at 1hr & 56minutes. I was so happy I did it my longest race ever, I will be ready for the marathon come hell or high water.
After the race taking a break resting our legs and taking in lots of liquids. This was Vic & Is first race together but Christel & Is 2nd. I enjoying having someone to run with, it's not to bad by myself during the week when I'm doing my weekly after works runs but having a friend there to encourage you along makes it that much better.
Us girls with Christel's lil man Cole :) Poor girl hurt her knee pretty bad on the run and had to have it wrapped and iced. But she was a trooper & crossed the finish line with a great big smile she didn't give in and quit I was so happy for her. :)
1 comment:
You go girl!!! I am SO proud of you! You look amazing!
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