Thursday, August 25, 2011


Tonight was my 2nd night at Zumba and let me tell you it was a workout. I have always wanted to try it but being the quiet shy girl that I am and super nervous going places were I don't know anyone. Last week my friend S was finally able to get me out of my shell and I attended a class at a local church here. I didn't catch on to each and every move that they were doing but I wasn't the only one still trying to learn. I wasn't completely on beat with the music and moves that the instructors were teaching but neither was everyone else. Still super nervous and very self conscious I managed to finish my first class, about a hour long I would say and I was pumped and ready for another hour. I really did have loads of fun just as everyone says it is. I was still nervous but it was a small group of people and so I think that helped a little.
S has a friend who is one of the instructors and I mentioned that she needed to give us private lessons because boy was she rocking it out. Some of the dances that she was doing I just stood there for a moment with my mouth open thinking "really I'm suppose to catch on to that".

Tonight was night two and when we got there they had already started, we were a tad late but it didn't stop us N and I jumped right in and started busting it out the best we could. Looking at each other laughing every so often because we were trying to figure out what was going on. We still had a blast with it. I was able to pick up on some of the dances quicker this week after doing them last Wed. So that made things nice and I didn't feel so out of place. There were quite a few more people there this time then last but everyone seemed to be in their own little world dancing and working out the best they could. At first I was super nervous again and didn't wanna make a fool of myself. But that quickly change and I tried my best not to let the other people in the room get to me and freak me out. I always feel like I'm being watched were ever I go (not like spied on) but just in general with everything I do. Or being judge for say and so this situation was no different, I think that is why I have a hard time putting myself out there. One because of failure and two simply because I don't wanna be the talk of the group / town or room. So to avoid that all together I simply remove myself from any environment that would allow that to happen.

I hope within the next week or so I can bring myself to attend the Zumba class that is offered on post. What could I loose..... I mean the class is free and I found out I don't have to sign up or register or anything like that. So even if I got there and didn't feel comfortable I could walk out and not feel like I wasted my money. (although I'm sure with as much as I enjoyed the first two classes that wouldn't happen.) Only time will tell, I have got to put my fears aside and put myself out there more. I have nothing to loose but time and unmade memories.


1 comment:

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

I'm so glad you decided to try it out :) I'm a firm believer that Zumba is for everyone...even if it makes me sound like a walking infomercial...haha :)