It's so hard to believe that its already Christmas Day, seems like just a few weeks ago it was summer. The morning started off with breakfast in the oven. I love meals that you prep the night before only to pop in the oven the next morning. Then of course the traditional picture in front of our Christmas tree. I love that the In-Loves were able to be here for Christmas to celebrate with us. We always have so much fun when we are all together.
One last picture of our beautiful tree Christmas morning!!! We've added the gate around the bottom, it has been in the hubbs family for over 30 years. The hubby's parents mailed it to us last week. They have another one that has been in the family for 75 years. We are going to switch this one out for the older one because the hubbs likes that one more. I was kinda hesitant about it at first but I really really like it. It completes the tree and makes it look really neat.
Hubby played Santa and passed every ones gifts out to them before we opened them. They we went in a circle and opened one at a time, one after another. I like doing it this way, this allows everyone to see and enjoy in the excitement of what you are opening. (plus it last's longer)
Just a few of the goodies the hubs got for Christmas this year.
Checking out his Stocking Stuffers, Shooting Shock Timer, Handle Grip for his rifle and Ammo Reloading Dies.
All on his wish list!!! What a lucky boy!!!

This girl got her very first KitchenAid for Christmas. I never had any desire to have one until about two weeks or so ago when the hubbs started asking me about one. It was then I started doing a little research on them and COLORS. I was totally sold once I found this fabulous Raspberry Ice color KitchenAid. I HAD to have it. I researched every possible website to find the best deal, I sent him the link were I found it on aafe's with a coupon discount code. Really what more do you need. :) I love it, its beautiful and I seriously don't know how I went this long with out one.

fssGgG The hubbs is wanted to start reloading Ammo for shooting. I was hesitant on him doing it only because its really time consuming but its something he really wants to do. I don't know what I didn't think about it before, but it hit me like 5 days before Christmas. GET HIM A RELOADER for Christmas, hello talk about the perfect gift. I waited till after we had breakfast, cleaned up the living room and set up my KitchenAid before I gave it to him. I had it hid up in my closet, it was a pretty good surprise because he wasn't expecting it at all. Wife of the year award here please :).

Just a few of the gifts I got from the hubbs and Spouse. I never take my house keys with me when I go some were with the hubbs. Why? Because he always has his so why do I need mine. Well he always gets so annoyed with it, for whatever reason is beyond me. lol So he bought me a key chain so I'll take them with me. Its a really pretty one from Coach, ok so I "might" start taking my keys with me......we will see. lol. My current MacBook Pro is / was on its last leg so he got me a new one. My Spouse also sent me the cutest two picture frames. One with a heart cut out and inside was a map of Dallas, which included the area were we got married. The other one said "Home is Where Your Story begins" with a map of the island of Hawaii. I absolutely LOVED them both.
Pictures from the Spouse, MAHALO Spouse I love them!!!!!
A few more of the goodies I got from the hubbs and the In-Loves. More Fiestaware, cooking spices, picture frame, K-cup holder (to replace our current one, in order to set up the kitchenaid) hand help blender mixer thingy and matching pink eye and ear pro for when we go shooting.
I always have to borrow eye and ear pro from the range when we go because I don't have my own like the hubbs. Since he's been trying to teach me to be a better shooter and have home self defense training when it comes to shooting I was excited about these. The ear pro band has really good cushion so I wont get head aches, like before. I love that he got pink to, he's so good to me.
Oh yes it didn't take long to break out the KitchenAid and put it to use. Making the filling for Keefel cookies, I'm love my new toy :) Grown up toys are so fun!!!!
We spent the afternoon making cookies and then preparing for our Christmas dinner we were having. We were also having over two of our friends for dinner (the ones we went to visit last night (Christmas eve)), so there was lots to do. They'd never been to our house before so of course I had to make sure everything was in its place and perfect. I'm kinda OCD when it comes to our home.
My kitchen was a MESS after making these but I had so much fun!!!!
Raspberry Ice KitchenAid + Keefles = a Happy Couple!!!! added bonus = a perfect Christmas!!!!
Christmas Dinner ready to serve!!!! Honey Baked Ham & Turkey, Stuffing, Rolls, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potatoes, Bacon Cheesy Mash Potatoes and Gravy. Yummy in my Tummy!!! Everyone seemed to enjoy dinner, the best part is we still have some left overs.
I just love this time of year, we had a great Christmas celebration. Many Memories Made!!!!
I really can't believe it's come and gone either though and now its another 365 days till we get to do it all over again. Until them Merry Christmas / Mele Kalikimaka from our Family / Ohana to yours!!!!