Making the most of the hubby's 4 day weekend we decided to finally make our way to the drive in. Lucky for us there are two in the south and one is just a hour away. We decided a few weeks back that we would go this weekend as long as something decent was playing. We both wanted to see TED but that was about the only thing on this weeks listings that interested us. What the heck we though you can't beat two movies for $7 bucks and besides it will be fun.
We headed out just after 5pm to get there in plenty of time before the movies started. Gates opened at 6:30pm but the movies didn't start till 9pm. We wanted to get there early to 1- ensure we got in and 2- make sure we got good parking with a easy get away at the end so we wouldn't be stuck in traffic for a hour. This was only my 2nd time to the drive in and I can't wait to go back. We will definitely go back in the fall / winter time, that's when it gets dark earlier and the movies start before 9pm.

On our screen The Amazing Spider-Man was playing first then TED. Not being a huge SM fan myself I wasn't jumping out of my seat about seeing it but it ended up not being that bad. The husband hated it and as soon as it was over said, "That was the worst movie I've ever seen." Opps good thing we had a good one to follow up.
We took full advantage of the snack bar, best part about that was the prices were dirt cheap. A thing of nachos, couple orders of fires a burger or two and we were set for the night. We were gonna go back for a funnel cake at some point but decided not to. (i'm sure that was for the best lol)
We bummed around on our phones, did lots of people watching and chatting while we waiting for the movie to start. Once we got there I kinda felt bad that we were there SOOO early but hey we had fun and got to spend loads of quality time together and for me that's all I wanted. The hubbs has been so busy since this cycle started we haven't had much time to just go out and relax and not have to worry about staying out late because we have work the next day.
We had a great view of the screen since we got there so early and there was only a few cars before us. Next time we go we probably wont go quite as early because we now know what to expect. The weather was in the low 80's the entire night, even at 1am when we were still there watching TED, we looked at each other and pointed out the temperature gage on the dash. Kinda crazy right, we went back and forth having the windows down and the AC on.
Just hanging out with my love before the movie started.
It was definitely a lot of fun and I can't wait to go back and do it again. We are trying to see more of the city / state when he's on pass or cycle break and I have to say this weekend was so much fun. As much as I say I wont miss it here when we leave, I know I'll be bummed if we don't get a chance to do certain things. I'm glad I was finally able to mark this one off the list. Good news is though we will be going back!!!!
~DAY 282~