I love checking the mail and getting letters from my little brother!!!! They always make my day. I've finally managed to get to were I don't have tears rolling down my face after I finish reading them.
This was my view driving out to the land nav range on Monday night to see the hubbs. It seems like Range Road goes on forever!!!
~DAY 339~
Wednesday night was NIC ~ Night Infiltration Course for our Company. This is were the SIT low crawl through the dirt with live rounds being shot over their head. Little do they know the rounds are 35 feet high so even if they were to stand up and jump they wouldn't touch them. No lets see a SIT try to do that, they get their butt chewed out by a Drill SGT in a heart beat. I had the privilege of going out and taking pictures for our families. Last cycle when I went I watched from inside the tower. This cycle I was able to stand on the stairs of the tower, Its really neat to watch. The hubbs actually crawled with them.
This was a picture I managed to get of the sunsetting that evening, it was so pretty!!!
~DAY 341~
Since the hubbs had Friday off (CQ recovery) we decided to go out for dinner. I wasn't up for cooking and felt like a much needed date night was in order!!! Mexican it was, that seems to be the trend here lately. Its oh so yummy, we just can't help ourselves. :)
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Her's (strawberry margarita) & His (mojito) |
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A yummy life size Sopapilla. |
~DAY 343~
Saturday morning we went to the range to do a little shooting. I even shot through 2 full magazines, shocker I know. After that we can home and took the pups up to the dog park to play for a bit. The hubbs had to be at work at noon to get ready for the evenings events. (I posted a sneak peak picture below, I'll post about it soon) With it being game day here in the South I was asked to do a all afternoon babysitting gig again. Of course I said yes since I knew I'd just be hanging out at home any how. I finished up there around around 7:00pm and headed out to meet up with the hubbs and the rest of the company at the event pictured below!!!
~DAY 344~
Saturday was a long night for the both of us so we took full advantage of it and slept in till almost 9am. (yes that's sleeping in for us)
Some weekend mornings when we are both home we will do a big breakfast. This morning I tried my hand at homemade biscuits, they turned out really yummy!!!
We then loaded up and headed towards Myrtle Beach to do a little boot shopping. I've been putting off getting my boots for my trip and it's getting down to the wire. We knew about this little store from when we stopped coming back from our Retreat a few months back. The hubbs offered to drive back down there and well I couldn't say no. lol There is a flea market behind the store that we decided to check out while we were there. Let's just say I've officially come to the conclusion that I'm not a flea market, thrifter, goodwill shopper, reuse someone else's things kinda person. (farmers market, I can do all day long) Maybe its just that flea market or the goodwill stores we've been in to here but it creeps me out and just seems completely unsanitary.
Any how I did pick up these beauties below while we were at the boot store. They are super cute and were a great price so a double score. Wearing boots is a popular thing here in the South. People dress them way up or go very casual. That was something I kept going back and forth on, if I was going to spend the money, I wanted to get some I'd wear often.

While we were looking at boots, the hubbs heard a advertisement on the radio about a gun show in the area. Of course he just had to go, I teased him the whole time saying that he planned this trip around the show and that he knew all about it. He promises he didn't lol, but either way its ok, because we had a really good time together.
~DAY 345~
Yay for getting mail from little brother! I know that made your day. And YUUUUM on that sopapilla...I love those things! Look at you, Miss Betty Crocker, making homemade biscuits. They look delish!
Those boots are adorable. Super versatile.
Mexican food is our go to if we go out for date nights too. It’s just so good!! What is a Sopapilla? It looks like deep fried amazing-ness! Excited to hear about the 2 things that happened on Saturday. Cute boots, and I have that same shirt from target! Great minds think alike!
Sounds like a fab weekend and I want new boots too!!
Once you find that perfect article of clothing you will be hooked thrifting :) all in good time dear ;)
LOVE the new boots!!
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