There's never a good time to have a wreck, no one ever says "oh this couldn't of happened at a better time." But there couldn't of been a worse time for this to have happen.
Heading to lunch last week on my break from work I was going to meet my friend Jenna. We'd been trying to meet up for a week or so now and we finally found a date that fit us both.
Sadly enough I didn't make that lunch date and now I have a week (God willing) to reschedule.
Sitting at a red light waiting to turn left and the cars in the first lane coming my direction weren't going. I waited and waited and waited, finally I went…..I had a green light, they had a green light but no body was moving. Not thinking at all that a car could come from the other lane around the corner. It was a compete blind spot because the cars in the lane that weren't moving were large SUV's. It didn't even register to me that I couldn't see around them. I knew the cars in front of me weren't moving and I must have been clear to go. Boy was I wrong, WAY WRONG. I saw it all happen, as it was happening I was thinking there is nothing I can do, little did I realize it had already happened. I head it, it was so load. All the air bag deployed on the passenger side, my drive door one deployed and the one on the steering wheel deployed. There was dust / smoke from the inside of the airbags that filled my car. I could barley breath the smell was so bad.

I was in complete shock, this did not just happen. She just hit me, yes it was my fault because I turned but really WHY….WHY ME!!!!!!! I sat there in my car for a minute to gather my thoughts before getting out. I walked around to make sure the other driver was ok and she was. Thank You Jesus!
Walked back to my driver door and I heard someone yell my name, I look behind me and it was one of my co-workers Kristen. She's actually my assistant in my class.
She asked me if I was ok and I shook my head no, I was in complete shock. My wrist had swelled up like the size of a golf ball and I was worried sick that something was seriously wrong with it. She pulled her car to the side and got out. I had her call Jenna to let her know I wasn't going to be able to make it. I called the hubbs to let him know what happen and to tell him I was ok. (other than my wrist) I literally spoke to him for about 2 minutes and then had to let him go.
I just kept telling Kristen "I NEVER GO THIS WAY", all because its easier to get to were I was going did I go that way. NEVER AGAIN, NEVER AGAIN.
I've been in a fender bender before, been rear ended but nothing this major or serious. I was at a loss, even more so that my husband was FIVE HUNDRED + miles away. Kristen called the police and emergency responders to come. She then called work to let them know what was going on. Clearly I wasn't going to be able to make it back to work. BLAH, not what I need right now. I called Sarah, my friend that I'm staying with here in Cola. When she answered I asked her were she was, because I wanted / needed her. Her response was "on a school bus headed back from Z's field trip." My heart broke, I just wanted some one there. She immediately asked me if I was ok. Jenna had already called her and told her what happen, which she interned called Cory her husband and told him what happen. As soon as he heard he was on his way to the accident. I called Cory to find out where he was, and told him I needed him. I was hot mess, Kristen who was on her lunch break as well waited till Cory and Jenna showed up and then she left. While we were waiting for them to get there though I kept telling her that I didn't want to go in the ambulance by myself. I was seriously freaking out about the thought of having to go in the ambulance by myself but I knew I needed to get my wrist looked at.

At this point I had kinda of gathered myself but then Cory showed up and I lost it again, falling on his shoulder. What am I going to do, my wrist, what about work I said to him. The police officer looked at C and asked if he was my husband, again hello water works. I looked at C, he looked at the Officer and explained that I was living with them and the hubbs was in TN. They agreed I needed to get my wrist checked out but EMS said they would not be able to take x-rays at the hospital because it was so swollen. They told me it was the blood vessels in my wrist that had busted. They said I could go to the hospital on post and C could take me. That seemed much more doable, no ambulance ride for me. The tow truck drivers arrived and pulled the cars apart. Hers looked a lot worse then mine once they were apart but still neither were drivable. Freaking out because I'm suppose to leave at the end of May to head to TN for good and now I don't know if that'll happen. WHY? WHY ME? WHY NOW?

Sarah and I had just talked over the weekend about how I had never had to go to Moncrief Hospital for a emergency or to the UCC. Well I guess God felt I needed to make a visit there before I left. After collectively about two hours, x-rays, and 3 different pain meds, my hand wrapped in a brace I was headed home. Nothing was broken which I was pretty sure of already. The swelling had gone down, but I needed to wear the brace to keep my hand and wrist from moving and control the bleeding inside my wrist. It hurt like crazy, the picture blow (is the next evening after it happened) does it no justice at all. As crazy as it sounds this looks good compared to the 3rd and 4th day. It was so purple and back and brown. I had fears of going to sleep because I wasn't sure what would happen. It was totally messing with my head. I took the next day, Wednesday off work to relax and recover a bit. Gave me a chance to get things figured out with my car as well.

The following Monday I went over to the body shop were my car was to get a few things out of it and to sign the papers so they could start the repairs. When I walked in something to the left caught my eye through the window, I looked away and then back at the window. That looked like my car, so I walked over to the window and sure enough it was and I lost it. The tears started flowing, the gentleman behind the counter said you must be the owner of the Pathfinder. Yes, I am…..was it that obvious.
He walked me out to the car and went over what needed to be done. He said that its a lot of little things that simply need to be screwed and bolted back on. A little body work but not a lot of major work. $11,300.00 worth of work, YIKES. He assured me that he is going to do whatever it is he can to get the car done by the 30th of this month. I've got my fingers crossed. I'm hoping and praying I have TWO interviews lined up for the following week in TN and I really don't want to have to reschedule. I've already notified them about what is going on and they were very understanding, which was a sign of relief.
I keep reminding myself things could have been A LOT worse, we both walked away from the accident. My car is repairable and I've got some amazing friends here in the South that jumped and helped me with out any hesitation at all.
As heart broken as I am to leave the South, I am so ready to get home to my husband. I talked to his mom the day after it happened and she said he told her he felt so helpless not being here to help me with everything. Breaks my heart!!! I miss my love more than anything.