We'll a lots happened in the last month or so. Its a long one but worth the read to catch up and see where life's taken us!!
We've made several trip's up to Tennessee to do a bit of house hunting. Our initial plan was to rent, we knew we didn't want to live on post. Once we got up here back in February the first night we started looking for houses to rent. Then quickly started scouting the market for homes that were for sale. We figured why not buy and pay ourselves vs. someone else. This will allow us to rent our home out once we PCS again and make money off of it. Planning and Building our Future. We got connected with a great Realtor through our friends C & B and he showed us a few houses that first weekend we came up. I of course fell in love with the very first house we saw. It was completely renovated and up to date. So much charm and character. We called it the "Red Door House" well because it had a red door of course. We continued looking and looking… we (The Hubbs) wanted to see what all of our options were. We knew with the Red Door House there would be a lot of work we would want / have to put into it with in the first couple of weeks of us being there. Plus a big bathroom reno eventually to make it a full master suite. Not to mention we had to keep in mind renting it out in the future once we leave TN. Would someone really be willing to maintain 2 acres of land, and live with the little quirks that it had.
Isn't it so cute!! |
Jumping ahead to April we wanted to push the closing date back as late as we could. We weren't leaving Ft. Jackson till Mid / Late April and we didn't want to have to pay a mortgage payment on a house when we were living in it. Makes sense right. April 10th we loaded up my car with everything we could. That morning the 11th we got up really and made the 7 hour drive up to TN.
Our New Home!! |
We were finally getting to see our home that we were purchasing for the first time in person. Crazy I know we bought a house sight unseen but when I tell you our Realtor was amazing. He really was. He went over the top for us, so we were confident in what we were getting into. Closing was at 1pm, we met up with J at the house about 10:30am. It was so exciting finally getting to see it in person. It was everything we were thinking it would be from the pictures and details we got from J. It's out side the city limits, and back in a none traffic area. If you don't know that the neighborhood is back there then your not gonna just stumble across it. Best part is we'll never had houses built behind us!!! Country Living!! Of course with everything house there are the quirks and "what were they thinking, doing that" comments. There were doubts about our furniture fitting in certain rooms. But we knew we would make it work. We spent the weekend up in TN getting a few things done to and around the house and checking the area out some more.
April 22nd the day after my birthday the hubbs and pups made the trip to TN for good. I was staying back in the South to finish out the school year at my job. A bittersweet decision for sure, since I wouldn't be officially moving till the 1st of June.
Jumping to the First weekend in May, May 1st is the hubbs birthday. It just so happened to be the day he had schedule to get out HHG's (house hold goods) delivered. I was itching to be there. Ever since our move from Dallas to Hawaii I've been a nervous wreck about the military moving us. But was it really worth it for me to make the 7 hour drive to TN for the weekend. I'd have to take off two days of work and give up two babysitting jobs I was offered. I knew the hubbs wouldn't do much un-packing he already had mentioned to me he wasn't going to. Just simple the things he needed to get by with. We had talked and agreed that we would un-pack and set the house up together once I came down the 1st of June. Apart of me still wanted to be there, I went back and forth about it so much. I had told myself if I got my class covered at work I would go and once I didn't I still wasn't sure what I wanted to do. Apart of me wanted to be there and apart of me wasn't excited about the drive by myself. (although I've done much longer by myself, that doesn't mean I wanted to) The hubbs had left the decision completely up to me, he wasn't saying yes or no. Which didn't help me any, and I couldn't help but wonder if he'd be disappointed if I ended up not coming. It wasn't until Tuesday on my lunch break that I decided I was officially going. I went and had my car weighted and that night I loaded it up so I could go get it weighted again that next morning. Wednesday I got off at 5pm and hit the road to TN. The drive wasn't bad at all, and thankfully I didn't really ever get tired. I made two stops the whole time. Once just across the NC boarder to go to the bathroom and then once just north of Nashville for gas. I love that my car can almost make it the full 500 miles on one tank of gas! I got in just after midnight and was so excited to see our pups and of course the hubbs. I've missed them so so much, and it had just been a little over a week!!!! How on earth did we make it through a 15 month deployment back in 2007??? After a little catching up we headed to bed. Big day to follow with our HHG's getting delivered.
We woke up semi early 7ish. picked up the house, I vacuumed while the hubbs cooked breakfast and the pups played out side in our giant back yard!! We had a appointment with the door people to come replace a couple door nobs. They were here and gone before the movers ever arrived. We decided to go to the store for a drink while we waited since they called and were just leaving Nashville with our things. On our way out of the neighborhood we came across a loose dog. We did the good thing and tried to find his owners but no such luck since he didn't have tags. So the hubbs took him to the humane society so he wouldn't get hurt. We live near a busy highway and he could easily get hit. I'd want someone to do the same to my pups. I wanted at the house hoping the movers would show up sooner rather than later. About a hour after the called they were finally here. ETA was 8-10am and they arrived at 11:30am, whatever its ok. We kept saying all morning that it shouldn't take them that long to unload our stuff and get on there way. BOY WERE WE WRONG!!!! They didn't leave till 4:30pm. That was the longest un-load day ever. 5 hours, it didn't even take them that long to pack and load everything when they did it in Cola. After they were finished and left we had no desire to even start unpacking boxes. I knew if I started I wouldn't want to stop and we were both hungry. So we headed down to Nashville to celebrate the hubbs birthday Dinner at Buca di Beppo, his choice!!!
A trip to Lowe's on our way home for a few things. We've become regulars there here lately, I guess that's what happens when you buy a house. After we got home we unpacked a few boxes, we needed to get to our printer. So while the hubbs was doing that I unpacked a few of the master bedroom boxes. Shortly after we called it a night and headed to bed.
patiently waiting on the movers to arrive |
Rise and Shine Sun Shine. Friday morning we woke up and got straight to work. We knocked out the entire upstairs before 9:30am. Completely unpacked and put away. We quickly changed and I headed off to a job interview. Afterwards we ran to Target, Best Buy and Lowe's again. Grabbed a late lunch while we were out and came home to finish up the house. By 7pm that night the entire house was unpacked and completely set up perfect. The only thing left to do was hang pictures on the wall and clean up and organize the garage. We opted to save that for Saturday and sat back enjoying a movie with a glass of Vino and Cupcakes!! (Cupcakes--) Complements of the hubbs on a congrats for my job interview.
I had such a hard time watching them get this beast of a unit up our stairs, thankfully it made it safely and we don't have to store it in the garage!!! |
Saturday morning I made breakfast and then we got right to work on the garage. Surprisingly I though it was going to take a lot more time then it did but we were done in no time. 2 trips to the local dump location to get rid of all the boxes and packing paper. A quick trip to the commissary to get a few groceries and then back home for lunch. I went through and laid out all the picture on the walls were I wanted them to go before hanging any up. I wanted to make sure I got it right the first time so I didn't have to put a billion holes in the walls. Only a couple redo's but I'm happy to say I'm quite pleased with the out come. We ended the evening at home, the hubbs made Chicken Taco Salad for dinner and Cupcakes for dessert again.
Full tour of the house to come!!!! Stay tune!!!
YAY! Congratulations!!! Buying a house feels so awesome (and scary)! Hopefully you guys are celebrating! Its looking super cute! Have fun decorating :)
Yay Congrats on the house! You all are super unpackers! It took us a week to do everything.
We thought about buying and renting out, but this area is saturated with rental homes. Good luck with everything and WOOHOO!
congrats on the new place!!
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