Yesterday, Gabe got a phone call from his mom telling us that she was going to be having surgery today (Tuesday). It was nothing major but still its a big deal. So this morning when Gabe came home from PT he had said he had been thinking & wanted to talk to me about something. Well me running around the house trying to clean up from breakfast & get dressed for work I wasn't paying attention and kept telling him to hold on. Finally I stopped for a second and he asked me what I thought about changing our plans and going to Phoenix, AZ (were his family is) instead of going Washington. UUUUUUUMMMMMMM, WHY????? I asked him. He explained to me how he wanted to go see his family and thought that it would be better since his mom was having the surgery and all. I though about it for about a split second and said YES!!!!! I jumped on the phone & quickly changed out tickets and the date as well. We were not set to leave Hawaii till Thursday afternoon and now we are leaving Wednesday Afternoon. It works out perfect though because it will give us a whole extra day in The Valley. :)
I'm not the biggest fan of PHX but, it is growing on me more and more. There is so much more there than were we where going to be in Seattle so that is a plus.
We would get to see his whole family which was going to be awesome. AND......his bestest friends Pace & Nichole (whom I LOVE DEARLY SO SO MUCH)live in Mesa which is like a drive across the Valley. OMG, have I been needing me some Nichole time. I have not seen her since we were in the Valley this past November for Gabe's R & R.
The best part is that we are going to be surprising his Mom & family (his dad knows we are coming but that is it), we are also going to be surprising Nichole. I can not wait. Tomorrow is her 28th birthday and well she has no idea we are coming at all. YEAH!!!! I was able to spend her birthday with her last year as well as the 4th of July so I'm super stoked to be able to do the same this year.
Pace knows we are coming now lets just hope he can keep a secret and not tell her.
AAAAHHHHHH, she is just gonna fall out when she see's us I so can not wait.
It is a bit sad that we will not be spending the time with Jason & Rae but thankfully they understand the reason that we decided to change our plans and were totally cool about it.
PHX here we come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: stay tuned for more on our trip and adventure in the dessert, as I like to call it. :)