Were do I even start. It has just been one of those weeks were it seem every thing was just crazy and out of order.
From Monday morning all the way to Friday. Its so hard for things to stay the same with family back in Texas when I am all the way in Hawaii. I am trying my best. It just seems some times it isn't enough. I know I could do better and that is something that I have to work on. Monday evening when Gabe came home he was telling me he finally found out when PTA is and well its November 2-16, if he has to go we will miss our 2 Year Wedding Anniversary together. That is something that has really been bugging me this past week because we planned my trip to Texas around when we were told it was, just so we could be together. There still is a chance that he will not be going and instead going to another school that is just during the day here on post. So we are crossing our fingers for that. I know that there are going to be times were we are not going to be able to be together for Anniversary's or Holidays but right now that's just not something I am ready to let go of. BUT THAT'S THE LIFE OF A ARMY WIFE. He also told me news of the NEXT deployment. Set for the Fall of next year. (not going in to details on that one though, better to wait till its written on paper) We already know what we are planning on doing if it comes to it and he dose deploy. However right now we are just taking things one day at a time and enjoying each and every bit of it.
Monday night we tryed our hand at a new recipe called Quesadilla Pie and boy did it turn out delicious. We love cooking together and trying new things. It is something that I look forward to in the evening when I get off work, "Going home and cooking dinner with My Love that is." Everyone always asks me "who dose the cooking in your house?" and it makes me happy to say that we do it together and love it.
Tuesday evening we did a bit of shopping and Gabe even went with me to Tan. Ok, well he waited in the car & looked through his new magazine while I tanned. We headed to Office Max & came up with a few great ways to preserve some of our most precious memories and moments together. As well as a great book to log & track our spending. I'm really excited about it.
Wednesday I had to work late, 9-6 ugh. Those are some long days but thankfully it was CROCK POT CREATION NIGHT, we had Homemade Chicken Jambalaya. It was so stinkin good. So there was no work needed, just dish out and go. We spent the evening relaxing on the couch, cuddled up watching TV. "Its the life, living our life."
Thursday I managed to get out of work about half a hour early which was nice & came home to a empty house. I think I almost had a heart attack. (let me explain) I texted Gabe on my way home & got no response, got home Gabe's truck was in the drive way. Went inside & (the house was unlocked) the dogs were out and about, the TV was on and his keys, phone, wallet were all on the bar. So first thing I go look out back for him because that's were the dogs were (they have a doggie door now) and well he wasn't out there. Went up stairs he wasn't up there, went back out side and nope, went back up stairs looked in every room and bathroom and still NO husband. By this point my heart is pounding. Were the heck could he be, what happen. This is so not like him at all. Just then his phone starts to ring & its a unknown number YEAH, I thought maybe its him. Right when I answered, I hear the front door opening and sure enough it was Gabe. (it was the neighbor calling to give him his number). He was at the guys house two doors down from us looking at his car & saw me drive by when I got home. How I missed him I have no clue but I did. UGH, he is ok and I can breath. Off to the gym he went and tanning for me. We ended the night with one of our favorite meals (Homemade of course) Chipotle Rice Casserole.
Friday morning I woke up @ 6:30am on the dot of course thanks to Dingo. Got dressed and ready for work & headed down stairs to wait for Gabe to come home. (he has been going to this class for the past two weeks during the day so he just goes in for formation and then comes home till 8am) When he came in I asked him "How every thing went & how his morning was" and well I won't repeat his comment but it was followed by "I HAVE CQ TONIGHT". WHAT THA....... are you freaking kidding me tonight really, on a flipping Friday night. UGH, needless to say I was just alittle pissed because when ever he has CQ he always sleep for most of the day the next day. We have plans for Saturday morning (don't they know this) and what a great time to let him know. THE DAY OF. So we made the most of our morning together and off to work & class we both went. My work day was crazy annoying from switching classes because we were low staff to going to lunch at 10:30 when I had just got there at 8am and was working till 5pm. We were celebrating a birthday of one of the girls that works in the same room as I do and Gabe made a cake for me to take to her the night before, it was a chore just trying to figure out when we were going to show her and cut it because it was so disorganized up there today. Come 5pm I clocked out but ended up staying an extra 20 minutes in my room to help out just because it was such a mess. (with all the kids having to combined classes and everything else going on) Then there was dinner, My dear Sweet friend Crystal called me while I was on lunch to see why I was having such a crabby day and that afternoon she invited me to dinner at her house with her hubby who's home on R&R, along with a few of their other friends. She even made enough were I could make Gabe a plate and take to him. After a good juicy burger and some other yummy food I was off to deliver a evening meal to my love. He was so happy and excited to see me, I just love the feeling I get every time he grabs me and wraps me in his arms. ITS THE BEST.
Back home to the pups. I am to finish out my night, hoping 6am will come fast. (that's when the hub's is getting home)
Weeks like this week just reminds me once again why I got out of child care, but I can make due for one more year while we are here. "at least I'm gonna try".
I really am still looking forward to the weekend with Gabe & I. I am trying not to let the whole issue of him having CQ get me down.
Mornings like today & evenings like Monday are reasons that get me so frustrated with the Army and the way it works, but when I sit back and look and think about things. If it wasn't for the Army the two of us would probably never have met. So for that I am Grateful that I have a love like I do and to know that we are so truly blessed to be together and to have the life that we do. Then the Army and the Army life we are living really isn't that bad.
I love you Babe and Thank You for being there for me this week when it all seemed to come crashing down around us. You were my "pick me up" and always there to catch me when I was falling.
A text from my love today that just brought tears to my eyes. "I love you Tiffany and I just can't wait to be home with you. I also can't wait till next weekend with you when we get 4 days together minus your 2 hour training but I can wait, a few hours ain't nothing. I would wait a life time for you"
AWH, he just gives me butterflies in my tummy and makes my world go round.
I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH BABY <---------------------------------:)------------------------->
1 comment:
It's crazy how life can sometimes feel like a rollercoaster, but it helps us appreciate the simple beatiful moments we have with the ones we love.
P.S. The army is fab but still can be a real pain because it likes to steal our hubbies from us all the time ;) But thankfully our love gets us through it all.
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