Then all of a sudden that changed, the thought of Graduation being on Tuesday that is. While at work this afternoon one of the mom's whom is a instructor at the Academy came into talk to one of the teachers in the class I was in. I over heard her talking about the Graduation and what not but really didn't pay any mind to it. Once She left I ask Michelle what she was saying (she knew Jared was @ WLC). She started telling me that due to the weather warning they were probably going to be changing the Ceremony to tonight and the plan was to have all the Soldiers out of there and home by 6:30pm. OMG, are you kidding me!!! At this point it hits Michelle that "Hey I need to go." I still had to go to Hawaii Kai & pick up Bailey Girl from her surgery the day before and get back to the house and get dressed and ready and it was 3:45pm. WOW, what was I going to do. The stress started to set in and fast.
(so this was my next 3 hrs.)
I grabbed my things rushed out the door briefly explaining to my Director what was going on. (thank goodness they are so understand at the CDC)
I hit the road for Hawaii Kai to get Bailey but not before calling my sweet friend Annie to see if she happen to have any more info. on what was going on since her husband to is a instructor at the NCO Academy.
I was on the H1 headed downtown and realized I forgot to stop and get gas which I really needed. Thankfully I was able to make it right to the vets office a hour later due to traffic & the gas light came on. Luckily there was a gas station right by the vets office. I called the vet to ask them to have Bailey ready to go when I go there because I was in a hurry, and well needless to say they didn't have her ready. UGH, this really is starting to suck.
Finally back on the road again, a hour and 15 minutes later thanks to traffic I made it home. At this time it's 10 minutes after 6:00pm, I quickly refilled one of the holes in the back yard with dirt. Took the swiffer over the floors once more and made sure the house was ready for Jared to come home. I jumped in the shower, put away the clean clothes that I had folded & put the rest of the pillow on the bed.
FEW, I thought I'm done & ready for whatever comes next. Once I got down stairs I opened the front door because the puppies love to just sit there and look out the screen door. I noticed a car a the end of our drive way and thought nothing of it because out stupid neighbor always are having people over blocking our drive way but then I saw a bag lend up against the post under our card port and about that time the LOVE OF MY LIFE COMES WALKING AROUND THE CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, I SCREAMED. I was so excited to see him standing there. His buddy Watson & his wife gave him a ride home so he could surprise me. (little did he know, I knew he would be coming home tonight I just didn't know when) I was so STOKED and couldn't stop jumping up and down. I just wrapped my arms around him and didn't let go for like 10 minutes. FINALLY I THOUGHT, IT'S OVER AND YOU ARE HOME WITH ME :).We headed out to the back yard to let the dogs out and he saw his surprise which he just loved, he totally was shocked that I had done everything I did. SCORE ON ME!!!!!
After a quick shower for My Love, I slipped into my Little Black Dress (the one I had planned on wearing to the ceremony) & off to dinner we went. Chili's it was because well it was close and that was the first thing that came to my mind.
Finally we were done with WLC, and life is normal again.
We had a great evening together as we always do, laughing, talking, cuddling, and just starring off into each others eyes. :)
On a plus note of WLC, Jared made the COMMANDANTS LIST!!!!!! Which means that he Graduated in the top 20% of all the soldiers at the Academy which was about 160 guys & gals. I couldn't of been more proud of my Love.
WAY TO GO BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOP WOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T - that is SO awesome! WAY TO GO JARED! I am so proud of both of you and I hope the weather holds out for you!
Love you both oodles and oodles!
That sucks that the day had to be so hectic, but at least it ended with a fabulous reward :) Surprises are always the best!!
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