6 months left in Hawaii- As of Jan. 1 we only have 6 months left here in Hawaii until Jared PCS date. There is so much that I want to do before we leave the island. I figure with us living here we really aren't going to want to come back for vacation so why not see and do everything now while we can.
6 months till we find out- We have heard word that there is a up-coming deployment for Jared's unit in about 6 months or so. I refuse to believe anything the Army or anyone else for that matter says until I see it on paper. I mean it may be true and all but until we see it in orders we are staying positive.
6 months till a move- If Jared dose deploy I will move back to Texas. I would stay in Hawaii but why when we could save so much money with me moving back. Besides my whole family and all my friends are in TX. I do have a few people here that I am close to but I don't want to stay here by myself.
6 months till we make our "New Annual trip"- I am making it a tradition that we are in the valley (PHX,AZ) for the 4th of July every year. We will head up there the end of June to visit Jared's family as well as celebrate our friend N's birthday with her as I have done for the last two year. :)
6 months left of bugs- Either way if we PCS or Deployment comes along, I am so looking forward to the day I get the heck out of the house we are living in. I can not stand the sight of bugs in our house. Everyone says "That's Hawaii for you". Well you know what this city girl is so not use to the bugs. I clean all the time, I NEVER leave dirty dishes in the sink or food out & open. And yet I always seem to have daddy long legs in our house or those stupid little gecko lizards. Drives me nuts.
6 months till she's 11- OMG, My favorite little cousin will be 11 years old in six months. That is 2 years shy of her becoming a teenager. aaaahhhhh, I can't believe it. She is growing up so fast and into a beautiful young lady. It seems like just a few weeks ago I was at home running around the house with her still in diapers. Wow time flys.
6 months to go- We have so much going on in the next 6 months and so much to look forward to and then again not. I am excited to see what will come and how things will pan out. I know that no matter what we will make it through anything. We are strong and committed to each other and making any and everything work.
(ready or not the next 6 months is gonna come and go, just like the last did and then the 6 after that.)
These next 6 months having nothing on you guys! I hope he doesn't get deployed but it is the Army...blah!I know they will be wonderful and you are going to enjoy your last 6 months of Hawaii (eew, I would not want bugs either) and then you will be in Texas and you will have another 6 months of wonderful things to look forward to. It is amazing how fast the next 6 months are going to go.
Wow sweetie! So much going on in 6 months! I am SO GLAD to hear you will be here in July! That is becoming my new favorite holiday! (Fourth of July that is...not my birthday LOL) I will be praying for you both. I really hope Jared does NOT have to deploy again!
Love you lots and will talk to you soon!
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