Monday, February 28, 2011

Beach & Dinner Party

The pups were overly excited today, they know when I start getting things ready to go to the beach that they are going to go. I love taking them and watching them run around and play they are so cute. It lets them get all that energy out of their system as well, & since they were going to be spending the evening in their kennels it was a perfect day to go. After Gabe made us a yummy breakfast & went and did his morning work out we were on our way down to Hickam to meet up with Sarah & B. The four of us enjoyed the afternoon hanging out at the sand bar watching the dogs run around crazy. It's nice to have Gabe here to help with the dogs, I can manage on my own but it is allot of work because they are so strong & they get so excited about the beach.
We hung out for a while and shortly after we headed back home. There was still lots to do before tonight's dinner party at our house to celebrate my loves return.

With the kabob's put together, the twiced baked potato's stuffed, the cup cakes iced & the grill going we were finally ready for everyone to start arriving. We only invited over a few of our closest friends to enjoy the evening with us. Sarah & B brought there margarita makin machine & we sipped on those through out the night as we all caught up on the life in Iraq that the guys had been living.

It had been a few days short of 8 months since Gabe had seen two of his favorite little girls, and they were excited to see him. Watching the girls interact with him was just one of the cutest moments in the world. He is so great with kiddos, I know he will make a great dad if the time ever comes around.

The four guys gathered in the kitchen for most of the evening chatting away and sharing deployment stories. I love hearing Gabe talk about his experience over there. He gets all hyped up about it and really in to the story he is telling. Our friend C was stationed at the same fob that Gabe's company is at now, for his last deployment that he just got back from in August of this past year. It's neat for them to be able to talk and hear how things are going now there compared to how they were when C was there. I will be so happy with this whole thing we call war is over but until then I'll stand here tall and strong supporting my husband.
We are so grateful to have such fabulous friends in our life on the mainland but there is just something about the Friendship you build through the military. It is a thousand times stronger and will be with you forever. I couldn't have asked for a better Army Family than we have now.

1 comment:

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

Now that's a delicious looking spread! I'm so happy you're having a wonderful time with your love :)