Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome HOME BABY!!!!!

Finally after much awaited time and long dreadful nights the day has come to go meet the love of my life and bring him HOME.
The house was clean and just perfect, laundry done and groceries bought. Pantry was stocked and his favorite beer in the frig. A half day at work (I couldn't stay at home I'd go crazy waiting) and I was home to shower, change, do my hair and make up and on my way I was!!!!!!!!

Meeting up with B who was taking pictures for us at the airport and we were ready to go. Once we got to the airport my most favorite girl in the world and her husband were there waiting for us. They came to video but more importantly they were there for Gabe and I, I couldn't have asked for a better welcome home moment for him than what we had.
Seeing him walk through those doors and wrapping my arms around him was a moment I had been waiting for since he left. I could breath again and relax knowing he was out of harms way.

A quick hello to Brittney, Sarah & Brian and then we were on our way headed home. I was holding his hand so tight as we walked back to the car, I didn't wanna let go. We spend the afternoon hanging out at the house and enjoying each others company. I made dinner for the both of us that night and we sat together on the couch like we always would & enjoyed a yummy Mexican Burrito. Life is so wonderful having him home and us back together, its little things just like washing dishes together that i miss the most.
I am so excited to see what the weeks ahead hold for us. There are several things that we want to do but we are just taking it day by day and enjoying our time together.

1 comment:

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

You looked absolutely beautiful for his homecoming! He's a very lucky guy :) And the pictures are fantastic! Welcome Home Gabe!