Merry Christmas Family & Friends
Here we are another year later, were has the time gone again. The past 12 months have been a busy one with a gazillion different things going on. As always its been a fabulous year, one of the more challenging ones but that’s life for you.
January ~ Gabe & I rang in the New Year together via web chat, which had to be the best way to end 2010. The girls & I had loads of fun from Ice Skating, a over night stay down in Waikiki and the ProBowl. We spent a ton of time together as always.
February ~ After 7 almost 8 long months Gabe came home for R&R. We enjoyed our time together staying in Hawaii doing what we love. Hiking, Kayaking, Bowling, Horse back riding, cooking, beaching it up, shopping & just being lazing together.
March ~ R&R rolled over into March were we took a Sea Plane tour around the Island. On which I almost got completely sick & gave my husband a good laugh. We went to Sea Life Park with The Martins were we took a Sea Trek Adventure allowing us to go under water with various sea creatures were we fed a Sting Ray from our hand & other creepy fish. Gabe made the journey back to Iraq to finish up the last few months of deployment #2.
April ~ I CELEBRATED the big 25, another birthday. Seriously were has the time gone I should not be 25 yet. The girls & I went to Ruth Chris to celebrate were we had the most amazing meal ever. Gabe was working hard in Iraq keeping busy working out & going on patrols. The weather was heating up so he was ready to get out of there.
May ~ Another busy month, We celebrated a birthday on the 1st Gabe turned 28. I ran my first 5k & 10k with the girls. I had a blast and found a new hobby in the process. I’ve tried talking Gabe into running a race with me but he say’s he’s not much up to running for fun.
June ~ The month we both waited for all year long. I attended the 236th Army Birthday Ball, which just so happened to be my first Military Ball. On the 17th Gabe along with 138 other Soldiers returned after a long 12 month deployment in Iraq, it was the best day of the whole year.
July ~ Were do I even start, the In Loves came down for a visit. Gabe & his dad went on the North Shore Shark Tour while his mom & I (along w/ my spouse) went on a Dolphin Adventure. I ran my longest race yet participating in the Wheeler 10 Miler on post. Having Gabe & his parents there to support me was the best part.
We took a trip to Maui spending a couple days there to explore and play tourist. Gabe treated himself to a new toy he traded in his truck for a 2011 Subaru Outback.
August ~ We really ventured out taking in the beauty that Oahu has to offer we went on many new hikes spending time exploring. In the midst of that we also traded my ’09 Challenger in for a ’11 Challenger.
September ~ Was the hardest month of all because it came with so many changes. Gabe’s official orders sending us to our new duty station. I quit my job, our HHG’s were packed up & we were down to one car, out of our house living with the spouse. Dingo & I left Hawaii for a trip back to Texas that included a reunion trip to Oklahoma with two high school friends.
October ~ Gabe & Bailey were in Hawaii for a couple ore weeks but once they arrived in TX things got busy visiting everyone, the state fair & revisiting our wedding venue. Mid month we made the long 16hr drive to Ft. Jackson, SC our new home. We quickly settled in getting our house fully set up in two days.
November ~ I started a part time job at a Day School right near post, which I will start full time beginning of 2012. We celebrated our four year Wedding Anniversary. Gosh the time has gone by so quickly it seems like just a couple months ago we were planning the wedding. Making a great first impression with his new unit Gabe busted his chin during PT one morning causing him to get 4 stitches. We spent Thanksgiving with a new friend & her husband.
December ~ Will be filled enjoying the Holiday, looking at Christmas lights, baking cookies & Christmas gift shopping. I took a short trip to Kentucky to visit two fellow Hawaii Army Wives while Gabe stayed home & enjoyed a weekend out with some of the guys he has met. We’ve settled in to our new Neighborhood quite well & are enjoying it very much. Speaking of our neighborhood our neighbors have been fabulous, I don’t think we could have picked a better house, they have all been so great & welcoming. My Spouse aka Sarah will be coming for a visit right before Christmas, I seriously can’t wait to have here her. I miss her so much and I know Gabe secretly misses talking guns with her.
We have so much to be Thankful for this year simply being back together is the best of them all. Hoping you enjoy your Holiday Season with your family, we can’t wait to see what opportunities 2012 has in store for us.
Merry Christmas Southern Style
With Love The Gabriel’s
Gabe, Tiffany, Bailey & Dingo
Your card turned out fabulous :) :) love that you included your pups!
Of all the ones I have seen, this one is my favorite!
Thank you so much for the comment. Yup, we'll be going from San Antonio to WI. :) A lot of quality time together! Great card! I love it!
I got your card in the mail the other day...forgot to tell ys...they turned out really cute!
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