DAY 73
"Tis the Season to be JOLLY"
We've had a wonderful relaxing day, which is just what we needed. We talked about going home to Texas or Arizona for Christmas but decided to stay home and enjoy the Holidays in our new home. I am so happy we did in the end it was much easier and less stressful doing things this way. Sure it would have been nice to see family again and spend some time with them but we were just there a few months back.
First things first we opened gifts from each other and gave the pups their Christmas bones. Bailey wasn't so much interested at first, I think she was more curious as to what else was going on. Dingo on the other hand headed straight up stairs to chow down. I got the hubbs a few things for the range that he has been wanting for when he goes shooting. He also got another gun, so that makes number five meaning we are even now lol. Although he doesn't seem to think that a Nerf Fun counted, I sure did. He got me a few new pieces to add to my Fiestaware collect that I had been wanting. As well as a Nike GPS to use for running, I can now track my runs, times, miles and calories burned all at once. It's pretty freaking awesome, I have been looking at getting one for a while now but me being the penny pincher that I am didn't want to spend the money. Its great to because I can keep track of my runs at and see how they vary day to day.

He was not so impressed with my bright idea.

side note I didn't finish all mine I was stuffed, it was so good though.

After gifts we cooked our Christmas breakfast Banana Walnut Pancakes with a side of Bacon and a glass of chocolate milk. It was fantastically good and as always there was a ton of dishes to do. It was a cloudy chilly day out with a bit of drizzle but we wanted to get the pups out for a walk & enjoy the day. We bundled up in hopes to stay warm but some how my nose was still cold. We didn't let the drizzle keep us in nor did it stop the dogs from roaming around post. We went down to our normal area were they like to run around off the leash and took a few new turns, which worked out perfect because it made a big circle. I love that we have a couple places so close to our home were we can let them off and be free to do what they want. I was really worried about that coming here to Jackson because in Hawaii there were so many different places to take them. They both do really well in staying together, close to us and coming back when we call them. It's great not having to worry that they might run off, knock on wood lol.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing on the couch watching a few Christmas movies. I think the hubbs is seriously happy that Christmas has finally come and gone, no more Holiday movies for him. We started our dinner around 3:30pm, even though it was just the two of us we wanted to have a nice Christmas dinner and that we did. The hubbs has always wanted a Turducken (which if you don't know its a duck inside a chicken in side a turkey we sausage in it as well) this year I finally caved in and said the heck with it but we were getting a ham also just in case the Turducken turned out horrible. Along with both the two main dishes we made dressing, rolls, sweet potato's (which I managed to burn the marshmallows) and broccoli cheese rice casserole. It all turned out great even the Turducken was yummy, I did manage to eat around the duck though. Something about eating a duck just creeps me our and I can't do it.

We had dessert all planned out a favorite of ours Apple Crisp, sadly enough we were both way to stuffed to even entertain the idea of eating dessert. We decided it would be in our best interest if we held off for another night.
The day was full of relaxing and enjoy the company of each other being in our home. I like the fact that we have our own way of doing things for the Holidays. It's perfect just the two of us, simple, no stress or rushing around to see all of our family.
Looks like you guys had a fabulous Christmas!! Have you gotten a chance to try your Nike gps out yet? I love mine!! I like that it gives me the freedom to wander a bit more on my runs while still be able to track my distance and time. You'll have to let me know how you like it :)
I nominated your blog for the Liebster Blog Award! It's an award for those newer to the blogging world with less than 200 followers! If you'd like to participate you can see the guidelines of the award on my blog!
Aww! I bet it was so nice to just be with your hubby and not worry about where you had to be next! Haha (story of my life the last 10 days!)
Also. I think the pic of him with his nerf gun is hilarious. I bought mine a marshmallow shooter. Haha.
Great minds think alike! :)
Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! That food looks SO good! Loving all your posts :) you guys are so cute.
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