February ~ Moved into our very first house, unpacked & put together all our furniture. Found out half our HHG's were shipped to Germany in the shipping process. GABE CAME HOME FROM A 15 Month Deployment in Iraq. :) BEST DAY EVER!!!!!!
March ~ Gabe had his scuba accident which messed his eyes up for almost a month. It was a really scary time. Celebrated one month of being home from Iraq by going out on a dinner cruise together. Toured the USS Missouri, Hiked up Koko Crater which is prominent 1,205 foot high. Our Newest addition: Dingo, a Australian Shepherd Mix w/ Terrier, lil. boy 6 weeks old.
April ~ Made our way to the Big Island of Hawaii for a day trip to remember. We were able to see many volcano's and other beautiful sites. Gabe had his last eye oppt. and everything went GREAT & he still has 20/20 vision. Took Dingo on his first walk up Kole Kole, he loved it. Celebrated our first Easter together by going golfing that morning & then dinner w/ some awesome friends :)Toured the Worlds Largest Maze @ the Dole Pineapple Plantation, Hiked Diamond Head. Gabe was in his first wedding here in Hawaii since we have been married. (he had to walk down the aisle w/ someone else. ugh lol) Celebrated my 23rd Birthday at Outback Steak House. The rest of our HHG's were delivered & I got a call for a Job interview which I got and accepted @ the CDC here on post.
May ~ Celebrated Gabe's 26th Birthday w/ dinner at Red Lobster & Cosmic Bowling with our friends Jamie & Anthony. Ended up trading in the Landrover for a 2009 Ford Ranger. It was a great add to Gabe's Birthday lol. Add to our family again Bailey our 8 week old Akita / Ridge back / Terrier Mix just fits right in :) Our friends J & A from above renewed the wedding vowels and Gabe did the ceremony. It really was a special day for everyone. I started work with the chitin's again.
Had to say "Goodbye" to a really close family here in Hawaii, it was heart breaking.
June ~ My FAVORITE cousin Shae Celebrated her 10Th birthday & I wasn't there to celebrate with her which really sucked. The 3rd season of Army wives came back on YAY!!!! Had a visit from someone friends back in TX, Sherie, Mark & Courtney. Said "Goodbye" to another friend & his son who we became close to since the guys had been back. Goy my 3rd tattoo and I just LOVE IT!!!! Took a surprise trip to the Valley to visit the In Loves and our Besties Nichole & Pace.
July ~ Surprised our Friend Nichole for her Birthday, it was the best trip ever to the Valley. I fell in love with Arizona so much more. (at the time I was ok with moving there) Once again, said "Goodbye" to yet another friend. UGH, gotta love the Army. Traded in the CHEVY AVEO for a SWEET RIDE. I got a '07 Mazda RX-8. Jared was WLC bound for two weeks. I received a Legendary Service Award at work.
August ~ Took a trip around the Island all on my own in my new car :) Went & had lunch w/ My Love while he was at WLC. TRYED (hints the word tryed) to clean up the back yard and fancy it up a bit as a suprise welcome back gift to Gabe. Hosted a few dinners at our house and discovered we really want a Great Dane when we get back to the mainland. Took both the pups. to the beach for the first time.
September ~ I had the chance to go to the 2009 Thunderbird Air Show with my sweet friend Crystal & Meko. It was their 56Th season to preform and by far the most amazing thing I have seen. Had a "Girl's" night out (along w/my hubbs) with the the Girls I work with. My little brother turned 21 :) not so little anymore.
October ~ Was all about TEXAS, I made my way back home mid. month. Spent tons of time with my Friends and Family. Went to the TEXAS STATE FAIR w/ one of My Newest Favorite people Kari and just had a BLAST stuffing our face's with loads of food. Had lunch dates with my lil. cousins at school, had a super awesome Halloween Party with My Bestie and her Hubb. Spent lots of time with my cousins who I have missed so much. It was a AWESOME trip and confirmed that I DO want to MOVE BACK TO TEXAS, after Gabe gets outta the Army. :) CANT WAIT.
November ~ While in Texas I ate at all my favorite places which was one of the best parts about the trip. Went to the horse races with Shae. Celebrated my Mamaw & Papa's birthday while I was home. Traded in the '09 Ford Ranger for a '10 Dodge Ram 4x4, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE. Celebrated Our 2 Year Wedding Anniversary with dinner and a day at Kualoa Ranch. Really a neat place to go and learn allot of history about Hawaii. The In Loves came and celebrated Thanksgiving with us along with our friends Crystal and Adam who we have come to love so much. We hosted or first Thanksgiving together in our first home. As well made our 3 year mark on being together :) It was a great month with lots of memories made that we will never forget.
December ~ Made the decision to make a move at work for 6 months starting the first of the year. Got two new Sony camera's from My Gabers :) My Love went to the Solider of the Quarter board and although he didn't make it his SGM told him he did a awesome job and wanted him to come back to the next one (in Feb. 2010). Went to the Honolulu City Lights together along with our friends Crystal & Adam. Finished all my training materials for work to make my next pay raise to a CC3 & finished everything to get my CC4 as well. BIG BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT for me!!! Started a few NEW Christmas Traditions with my love such as making a Ginger Bread House and Baking Cookies. Made a 4 day weekend trip back to TEXAS to celebrate with My Bestie's Birthday with her in San Antonio, GOOD TIMES. MY MOMMA TURNED A YEAR OLDER AS WELL. Celebrated our first Christmas Eve & Christmas together, together since we have been married. One of the best memories of the year. Also got to see "STOMP" live in person Christmas Night, one of my favorite Broadway shows.
Now we are getting ready to RING IN 2010 Wii style. We are going to spend the evening at home together with a couple friends eating our self crazy and playing Wii. My new favorite toy. Hee Hee
There are so many more great things about 2009, these are just a few of the memories that made the year so amazing. There was also hard times were we struggled & I though I was just going to fall apart but it has only made us stronger as a couple now. I can NOT wait to see what 2010 brings for us in our life & marriage together.
HAU'OLI MAKAHIKI HOU ~ Happy New Year :)