With our game shirts on and high school ribbons in our hair, my spouse & I met up early to head out for some tail gating before the PRO BOWL GAME started. We arrived shortly after noon and grabbed lunch at Subway were we parked and walked over to the Aloha Stadium. Meeting up with a coworker and her family we sat and chatted about our daily gossip and what was going on in every one's lives. We were finally able to meet R's husband and all of her kiddos, which I think are possibly clones of her because they all look exactly alike. While we munch on our sandwiches and they made theirs the clouds started rolling in. I was starting to get a bit bummed but still had hope......then the rain started and I was ready to go home. I absolutely HATE being out in the rain, I don't mind it just rather be inside enjoying it.
After a while the rain seemed to start drifting away and so we made our way up to the stadium and found our seat. Not before grabbing a $14.00 margarita that is on the way. Come to find out we were sitting right next to Sarah's husband's old Major and his family, who's youngest daughter happens to be in my class at the CDC.
The sun was starting to peek though and dry things up which was a much needed relief. The pre-game started out with local Hawaiian Dancers, a performance by The Goo Goo Dolls, The National Anthem and NFL team's Cheerleader representing. Fire works and the Star Spangle Banner followed by the KICK OFF and it was GAME TIME!!!!!!!!!!
We sat and chatted enjoying the game watch the AFC suck really bad. I can say that because well of course I'm a Dallas Cowboy fan and they are NFC. Sadly Sarah is a Steelers fan and so even though they were taken out of the Pro Bowl last minute do to going to the Super Bowl She was still cheering for the AFC. We had a fabulous time and I couldn't think of any one better to have gone with. There was a ton of other people there that I knew & friend of mine JS happen to find us and came for a visit to our seats which was a nice surprise.
Right before Half Time we made our way back down to the food area to get some deliciousness to enjoy during the Half Time Show. We each got a Roasted Corn on the Cob one of my favorite game day eats and Sarah picked up a Funnel Cake as well. I wasn't as impressed with the HT show as I was with the Pre Game show but it was still good. I love seeing the mascots of the different teams run up and down the field doing flips and acting goofy as ever they are so cute. Seems like that would be a pretty cool job to have.
Right towards the end of the 4th quarter there was about 5 to 6 guys that ran on to the field from the crowd and started running though the players. Some of them were taking off their shirts and others were just running around crazy. The players were charging at them and security was trying everything they could to catch them. It was quite comical if I do say so, I've seen this happen on TV before or in video's but never in person. Everyone was getting a good kick out of it.
The game ended and NFC defeated AFC with the score of 55-41. It was a wonderful day well spent with my bestie. Only time will tell but I hope that we are able to go next year together as well. The 2012 Pro Bowl will be held in Hawaii again however the location for the game in 2013 has not yet been decided.
Another CHECK off my 30 B4 30 list has been made ~ Go to the Pro Bowl.