Headed to dinner at one of our mom's house in Ko'Olina. She invited the three of us over for a night in & some girlie chit chat. Its nice every once in awhile to just kick our shoes off and enjoy the company of someone new & get to know them a bit more.

Beaching it up for one of my Little's 2nd birthday. Better late than never her momma said. We may always be one of the only couples at the parties with out any wee little ones but we still love going. Its our way of spoiling the little ones and taking in all their love. At the end of the party we get to go home empty handed & the parents are the one stuck with the sugar high kid. I absolutely love my little girls I have grown so close to over the past few years.

Celebrating Valentines Day @ one of my all time favorite place's to eat on island. Dixie Grill, I could eat there once a week & it would never get old. From there sweet tea to the BBQ and the decor its just something that simply reminds me of home. It was a great way to spend Valentines since my love was gone.
Out for the night to help Nancy celebrate her & her husbands 3 year Wedding Anniversary. It's what us girls do when our men are away. Going strong and keeping each other busy & making sure we still make time for the important things in life. Dinner at PF Changs was yummy yummy in my tummy!!!!!

A much needed night out after a long week, not so much from work. It was the first time I had really got out since Gabe left & well as hard as it was I did manage to have a good time. Cheese Cake Factory is one of our favorite place's to go eat but because its so bad for you we don't go that often. When the girls invited me to come along I couldn't resist & had to join in.

I was over due for a fill on my nails so when my spouse invited me to go with I was all about it. We decided to try out a new place this time and we liked it quite well. Back in Texas I would always get my nails done but since living in Hawaii I have yet to find a place that I really like the way they do them. I think I have finally found that place again, & am happy the way my finger nails look once they are done. It's just a simple way of pampering myself & what better way to do it then with a girlfriend.

Today's adventure took us girls to Pearl Harbor for another birthday party for one of our little ones. Little Linc. turned ONE & his daddy made it back from Iraq just in time to be here to celebrate with him. A pool party with burgers & dogs, gold fish as the table center pieces & streamers every were. This little one was in heaven when he had a life size sea turtle cake all to himself as his smash cake. (it was SOOOO freaking cute)

I'm glad you've been enjoying your girl time. Deployments super suck, but time with the girls definitely helps lift the spirit :)
So fun getting to be a part of your life via your blog and pictures! I am so grateful you have so many wonderful girlfriends surrounding you!
Love you lots!
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