I have been wanting to see the island from above for a while now. Well really every since I got here and we have just been waiting for the right time. We finally decided we would go while Gabe was home on R&R & do it to celebrate our 3 year wedding anniversary. After loads and loads of research Gabe finally found a company that we were happy with and made plans to go for it.
Island Sea Plane Tours of HNL, their sea plane base was featured in the movie "50 First Dates". When we arrived we were greeted with open arms, the staff was so friendly. We took a look around while waiting for our tour time and I managed to snap a few pictures of the plane. It was really neat to be able to see it so close up and personal. It kinda had me worried just for a bit as the plane sat there rocking back and forth on the water. However I was so excited to get going and see the island.
Before we boarded the plane and took off we got a brief introduction on what all we would be seeing. As Debbie the pilots wife was going over the map with us, I began to think wow this is awesome we only paid for the half hour tour which goes around the lower downtown / Kaneohe Bay part of the island. As she was explaining everything I began to relize that we are going to be getting the full hour tour. The full hour tour takes you all around the island after taking off we flew alongside Honolulu Harbor and Aloha tower, then pass offshore of Waikiki Beach followed by Diamond Head Crater, Kahala area, Koko Head Crater, Hanauma Bay, Sealife Park, Kaneohe Bay. From Kaneohe Bay down along side Windward Coast with views of Chinaman's Hat the movie site of "Jurassic Park" and Godzilla, "Kahana Bay, the Polynesian Cultural Center, the Mormon Temple, BYU Hawaii Campus, the old Kahuku Sugar Mill, the Windmill Farm and the Turtle Bay Hilton Hotel. We also passed over the famous surfing areas of Sunset Beach, the Banzi Pipeline, Waima Bay and Haleiwa as well as the beautiful Waimea water fall. Shortly after that we passed over the pineapple fields and the remains of the old sugar cane fields, past Schofield Barracks, Wheeler Army Air Field and finally Pearl Harbor, the Arizona Memorial, the Battleship "Missouri" and Hickam Air Force Base before touching down at Keehi Lagoon were we started our journey.
*Diamond Head Crater*
*Hanauma Bay*

It was truly an amazing experience, although I got a little motion sick I managed to make it through and enjoyed the ride. The Plane was much smaller on the inside than I had expected so that made me a bit nervous but we lived through it. Hee hee.
I think it was by far it was well worth it more than a helicopter tour that we had originally talked about. I mean how many people can say they have flown in a sea plane.

It was a awesome way to celebrate our Anniversary, we are truly reaching new heights in our relationship. I can't wait to see what is in store for us in the future.
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