DAY 21
Baby its cold outside!!!!!!!

Driving home from work this evening I looked down at the gauges on the dash & noticed the temp out side was a bit nippy. YES, 67 degrees that's cold to me and I'm not digging it at all. I hate the cold weather, I hated the cold weather when I lived in Texas and being away from it for three years while living in Hawaii has made me hate it even more.
The only good thing right now about it is, it makes the holidays feel more real and exciting. Wait who am I kidding the reason I'm excited about the Holidays this year is because I get to send them with my Love & my Spouse comes right before Christmas. Apart of me is wanting it to snow for like just a day.....maybe two only because I wanna see the pups play in the snow. Other than that I wish it to stay away!!!!!!!
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