DAY 46
Taking a different road

A different road that frankly didn't end up lasting long at all. I started my new job at Well's Fargo this morning and was really excited about it. The hours were great the pay was nice, the down fall to it was that I'd have to work Sundays and have split days off Tuesdays & Saturdays. I had gotten over that and figured I'd give it a chance. I worked at CitiCards about 4-5 years ago in their credit card customer service department so I was familiar with the job. I had just been out of the loop for a bit. Offering full time hours which I wouldn't beat 5:30am-2:30pm perfect!!!
I had spoken with the director at the Day School were I was working about a week & half prior and explained that I would be leaving and it might be that I wouldn't come back after Thanksgiving break. I was able to get into the early class and so I sent a emailed on Thursday to explain what was going on and then once again on Monday during our first break I called to make sure my email was received. Lets just say I don't think it was read yet from the response I got back. A long story short I was given the option to come on full time come the first of the new year. That was great but the pay difference was still a issue, so I asked about that as well. There was no way I could leave WF even with it being full time. Later that afternoon I received a email with the details on the new position & the pay that would be included. I talked with Gabe about it when we both got home & I told him after the first day of training at the bank I was just not into it and didn't want to go back down that road. I wasn't in love and overly excited about it any more. He told me that I could do what I wanted and he would support me either way I chose he just wanted me to be happy. (w/ a full time job that I enjoyed as well vs. part time) He said he didn't care about the pay that wasn't what mattered, I swear he always knows just what to say. Following my heart doing what I love I decided to stay at the school and accept the position offered.
I've been putting a lot of though into going back to school to be a teacher, maybe start out as a teachers aide or a sub and then go up from there. Only time will tell I mean I don't have anything to loose and it's not like there is anything stopping me.
I am happy with my decision and truly believe it was the right one. (plus its about 10 minutes from the house vs. 20 minutes like the bank was.)
1 comment:
You gotta do what feels right!!! :)
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