DAY 45
This is how we spent our day

We had no plans for the day which was really nice, nothing to do no were to be by a certain time. We ended up spending most of our day right here on the couch being lazy watching Christmas movies. So of course the pups did as well, they are so cute the way they cuddle up together. I'm so glad that they have gotten along since day one. I really don't know what I would have done if they didn't take to each other. It was so nice I didn't end up getting dressed until about 3pm and that was after I cleaned the house. Those lazy pups you see are sweet as came be but Dingo has a little issue and he likes to shed so I'm always vacuuming the floors. We ended the evening together by going and seeing a late afternoon movie. We saw Jack & Jill it was funny but I glad we went to the matinee showing. I wouldn't watch it again but I'm glad I saw it. It was the perfect way to end a long weekend together, I'm truly loving all this down time with my hubbs. I know come the first of the year things are going to get busy for the both of us so we are taking full advantage of it while we can.
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