.....down memory lane. I was recapping our 4th of July, 2012 and it got me think about how I spend the past 5, 4th of July's since the hubbs and I have been together. I've blogged about a few of them but some not. (I didn't start blogging till right after his first deployment)
July 4th 2007 we spend it together in Texas, it was the weekend he proposed (July 6th, more on that tomorrow). We spent the day at a fellow family / church friends home lounging around the pool. That evening the two of us drove up to our River house to hang out with my little brother and shoot off some fire works. The brother & I showed G around the area and took him to the boat dock. The water was so high at the time the ramps were completely under water so we were able to launch our boat. We had a great time though, thankfully the boys didn't burn down the house.
Us 2007 on the back deck of our River House!!
July 4th, 2008 the hubby was deployed so I decided to take a trip to the valley aka AZ to visit the In~Loves and our good friends Pace & Nichole. It was a great trip but a hard one, this was my first time going back with out him. I absolutely LOVE his family but it was still so hard with out him there. Spending time with two of his Best Friends was by far one of the best parts about my trip. We went to a large open field, sat in the back of the truck and watch the fire works. I learned / heard many stories of the hubbs that night. We also celebrated Nichole's birthday that weekend, which included fun times by the pool, lots of shots and karaoke.
First time seeing these two since our wedding!!!
It was a long night!!!!
Shots with the birthday girl.
July 4th, 2009 hubby was home from deployment finally and we were BACK in the Valley for a little block leave. We celebrated the 4th with Pace & Nichole again as well as her birthday. This trip was a bit of a SURPRISE (<--see video & read abt it here) for Nichole because she didn't know we were coming till we showed up in her backyard. One of the best days ever!!!! We always have so much fun with these two, hubbs would have no problem convincing me to move to AZ once he retired as long as is was in Mesa.
Best friends, catching up after a long 8 months apart.
These 3 are so close, and have been through so much together. I'm forever grateful to have them apart of our life and to have been through for G through some really ruff moments before we met. The 4 of us have that type of friendship that no matter how long its been since we've seen each other, we pick up right were we left off!!!!
Goodbyes are never fun, but thankfully they aren't forever!!!!
July 4th, 2010 was a bitter sweet day the hubbs left for his 2nd deployment just two days prior and my "wifey" aka Best Friend Crystal & her family were going to be leaving island in 6 short days. It was awful all the way around, but I made the best of it that I could. I missed his first call, talk about melt down central.
Crystal, her fam and I had plans to attend the 4th of July Festivities (<--- read abt it here) on post at Sills field. We made matching shirts to wear in support of our hubbies, they turned out fabulous. We enjoyed listening to Smash Mouth in concert and the fire work show wasn't to bad at all. during the ceremony I sat in the VIP area with my girls Vic. & Becca with their two sweet girls. Over all I was glad that I spent the evening surrounded by some of the most important army wives in my life.
Crystal & I sportin our shirts!!!!

Sending some loven to the hubbs!!!
These girls rock my world!!!!!!

July 4th, 2011 our last 4th in Hawaii for now, NOT forever!!!! We started the day off hiking Aiea loop, talk about a MUDDY hike, not to mention we were rained on in the middle of it. Still fun and made for some great memories. That afternoon I made some yummy festive cupcakes and we headed over to Vics. house for a cookout and fire works on the beach. Joined by Tara & JD we sipped on wine out of Red Solo cups & played with sparklers as we enjoyed each others company while listening to the waves crash up against the beach. It was a simple yet PERFECT (<----read abt it here) evening that I never wanted to end. I know one day we will all be back together celebrating another Independence Day.
Us and Gigi, such a sweet little one!!!!
Happy 4th of July from JD, Myself, Hubbs, Gigi, Vic, Andrew & Tara (she was taking the pic.)
shhhh, don't tell we had our own little fire work show on the beach.
I hope you enjoyed strolling down memory lane with me as much as I did. Stick around we have lots more to catch up on!!!!!
Hope you had a great 4th of July! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more of your posts and hope that maybe you can return the favor and follow my preppy blog. I always comment for every comment left on my page and hope to start a friendly relationship with your wonderful blog!
Oh Tiffany - that was SO FUN!!!! Thank you for the trip down memory lane! Miss you guys so much and can't wait to see you again! <3 MUAH!
So fun, yall really make the most of it!
You two are SO CUTE. Y'all have been through so much, and yet are so strong. Cheers to many, many more 4th of Julys! Maybe one day we can all be in Hawaii ;) I'd be totally ok with that!
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