After what has seemed like forever we were finally able to set a weekend aside to go camping. We had originally planned for Easter Weekend but with the unforeseen events of the Westy crapping out on us we had a little set back. The hubbs went away for training for a while and well now he's back.
Friday afternoon we loaded up and headed out to Land Between the Lakes (LBL) as soon as I got home from work.
I'm absolutely loving that it stays lighter out longer now. Spring / Summer weather please stay awhile won't you. We made it to our spot for the weekend at Piney Campground, set up and had time to relax and kick our feet up before the sun went down. It was a bit chilly that evening, which I wasn't expecting. Nothing that a little campfire and some S'mores couldn't cure.
Waking up to the sounds of the birds chirping, the wind blowing and a chill in the air was absolutely the best. The pups were enjoying a relaxing morning laid out by the Westy while I was cooking up some breakfast.
Pancakes and Turkey Sausage was the perfect way to start our morning. I could really get used to this, sitting out on the picnic table enjoying our breakfast. Doesn't get much better than this.
Our campsite was right near the boat dock with a little path leading across. After breakfast the pups and I took a little walk out to the pier while the hubbs met us there on his bike. It was so peaceful and relaxing. I could have sat there for ever just over looking the lake.
After our ride, a nice little nap and some tasty lunch we sliced open some watermelon to cool down with. One of my favorite summer time fruits, it was just what I needed.
For dinner we did something a little different. Hobo Stew. I'd never had Hobo stew before and wasn't quite sure how it would turn out but I'm a believer. It was a perfect campfire dish. We chopped some
veggies, marinated bison rolled it all up in foil and tossed it on the fire. About 30 minutes later we where feasting on this fine meal with a side of cornbread muffins.
Another first for me, campfire popcorn. The hubbs went up to grab some more firewood from the general store and came back with popcorn. I've seen it before in stores I've just never made it myself. It didn't seem to be popping at first. I assumed it would start right away but took a bit. But once it got going and was finished we had a lovely little buttery snack.

The next morning we had breakfast before taking the pups on a walk and packing up to head back home. Fired Eggs with Turkey Sausage between a toasted English Muffin with a slice of melted Pepper Jack Cheese. I think it might have been my favorite meal of the weekend. Aside from the S'mores of course. And I mean you can't beat a view like that now.
We decided just to leave the bed down for the drive home since we where going to be washing the sheets and the inside needed a good cleaning. So of course these two mutts took full advantage. I'd be pretty tired to if I decided to go darting through the back screen of the Westy in the middle of the night and run around the camp site. Yup that would have been Dingo. He must of saw or heard something and jump right out. The mesh screen we have for the back that allows you to leave the hatch open does not attach to the bottom. Only the top and sides so he just went right under it. He's such a turd!!!
We had such a great time and are already looking forward to our next trip out in a few weeks.