Saturday morning we were up early and headed to meet our friend Rebecca for a trip to the Farmers Market in Honolulu. See her hubby is coming home soon for R&R and she wanted to have some fresh fruits and veggies for him and invited us along. It was allot of fun, and I can't wait to go back. They had some of the prettiest flowers and plants for sale, although I opted not to get any because I have a worst time keeping plants alive. We found a booth that made REAL southern food with SWEET Tea. It wasn't Texas Sweet Tea but it was good. They was also a booth that made pizza that was to die for. Rebecca also had me try boiled peanuts which I had never tryed before. They were ummmm ok I guess you could say. Don't know that it is something that I would want to eat again or regularly for that matter. I am definitely going to be visiting the farmers market allot more in the near future.

We then headed to the 2010 Pet Expo which is The Biggest Local Pet Event of the Year in Hawaii. There were so many dogs of all sizes, colors and breeds. It was crazy to see that many in one place. Since we came from the farmers market we didn't have our two lil pooches with us. But not to worry they were on our mind the whole time. We picked them up some yummy treats, homemade served on a platter at that. There were some of the cutest little outfits and I was so tempted to get one for Bailey Girl but I just don't think she'd wear it. We had a great time a the Pet Expo and are looking forward to next years.

Dinner plans with the Burns, whom Gabe hadn't met so I was really looking forward to the evening. We were bringing dessert and I wanted to make something extra tasty and something new at that I hadn't made before. I found a Peach Cobbler with Cinnamon Swirl Biscuits recipe in one of my books and took a shot at it. I was SOOOO Happy it turned out FANTASTIC and everyone loved it. Dinner was great and the company we were with was just as good. I can't wait to get together with The Burns again. I am so blessed to have met Sandy and even though our husbands are not in the same unit (which is a good thing in this situation ) we will be going through this upcoming deployment together. Having built a support system here with wives that are going and have been going through the same thing that I am going to be going through AGAIN is going to help. Not at all make it any easier but it will help the time go by and keep me busy.
Sunday we got up and took the pups to the Wheeler Bark park to let them run around for a bit and get some of their energy out. I love taking them and seeing them run around like crazy and chase after each other. They just have so much fun, I don't know what it is but I could sit and watch them play for hours. When Gabe and I were sitting on the tail gate I wondered if they could jump up with us and sure enough they could. Gabe and his bright ideas decided to see how they would do if he drove around the field with them in the back. He slowly made circles in the field around me, as I stood and watched Dingo bounce from side to side. All of a sudden I glanced away for a split second and when I looked back Dingo was jumping out of the truck. I know it's not funny but I couldn't stop laughing because its totally something that he would do. Gabe stopped and what did Bailey do....we she jumped out as well over the side. OMG, really they are freaking crazy. Well we wont be trying that one again. Thankfully they were ok, off and running as soon as their feet hit the ground.
We did a bit of shopping this afternoon, I managed to find a spice rack and a cookbook holder both that I'd been looking for. (I'm slowly redoing our kitchen making it a bit more fun and attractive lol ) Gabe made out well at Sports Authority with a new water bottle (he lost his last week ) and some PT stuff. He's always looking for new ways to work out and train his guys. I love how excited he gets over the smallest things, its so cute. We came home and did a bit of house work kinda bummed around for the evening, washed the cars together and I even cooked a wonderful dinner for the two of us. Dessert included, a White cake with Strawberry icing and pink sprinkles on top. Its one of my fav's.
We spent the rest of the night cuddled together on the couch in each others arms, just were I LOVE to be. It's were I feel safest and myself.
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