Over the weekend my mom and her new husband Chuck came in town to visit. A quick visit that is. Their able to fly for free via Stand By thanks to their work at American Airlines. They were set to arrive just before noon on Saturday so the hubbs and I headed down to Nashville early to do a little window shopping. We spent the morning checking out some of our go to stores before heading to the airport. We had plans to have lunch at one of our all time favorite eateries, Loveless Cafe. Oh my mouth was already watering before we even got their. We ended up having to wait about a hour for our table. Fine by me, as long as it meant I'd be getting some of those mouth watering biscuits at some point or another. I love the little shops around the property that your able to walk through and check out while you wait. It helps pass the time. After a bit of shopping we found and picnic table outside where we sat, relaxed and caught up a bit while we waited.
Lunch was absolutely fabulous, there's just no other way to put it. I had the Pork BBQ Plate with a side of Fried Okra and Green Beans. I normally go for the Chicken N Waffles but decided to step out of my box and try something different. It didn't disappoint either.
After lunch we headed to the Grand Ole Opry, we'd driven by several times but never gotten out and actually walked around or toured it. The Grand Ole Opry was the one thing Chuck wanted to see while he was here. Who am I to interject, I'd never been either so it was a win win for both of us. We eventually started to make our way back to town, it was only around 4pm but it had already been a long long day.
We drove them through Downtown Clarksville on our way home, when they suddenly asked if there was a spot close by they could get a picture with the state sign. DONE, we said. They where able to mark TN and KY off their list. Perks of living so close to the state boards I suppose.
For dinner I had plans to make some tasty Pizza and Salad. I already cut up all the veggies and prepped them the night before along with making the pizza dough crust. Everything just had to put together and baked. On the menu was a BBQ Chicken Pizza and a Supreme. We had a friend stop by so he joined us for dinner and everyone seemed to love the pizza's. This is the second time recently that we have made pizza at home and I forget how much fun it is.
We followed dinner up with a trip in the Westy up to Berry Bear for some Frozen Yogurt. Oh so yummy. Shortly later we called it a night, after all the hubbs and I had been up and on the go since 6am that morning.
Oh the breakfast menu for this morning as nothing other than some tasty Cinnamon Rolls with Cream Cheese Icing. Working ahead to save time this morning I made up the Roll's last night so they simply just had to be baked this morning. Since I had double the recipe it took a bit longer to cook but let me tell you they didn't disappoint at all. These are our Go To Cinnamon Roll's we'll never buy store bought canned or frozen ever again. We've made these a good few times now, so I've pretty much got it down to a science. They where a Win and Guest approved.
After breakfast the hubbs had to head into work for a few hours, total bummer. Mom, Chuck and I took the pups for a walk around the block, and then relaxed watching a movie before heading to Miss Lucille's to do a little shopping. Unfortunately after our little Antiquing journey it was time to head to the airport to drop them off. They had a flight out at 2:20 that afternoon. Like I said it was a SHORT visit. But it was really good to see them. I really wish they could have stayed longer but any time is better than none I suppose right. Hopefully they'll be able to come back out again soon.
I didn't take many pictures at all while they where here. Things seemed so busy that I didn't even pull my phone out most of the time.