The weather has been crazy in the South this winter, it will go from super nice out in the low 70's one day and then the next freezing cold. After our last snow day no one really saw another one coming. Not until the weather started predicting it that is. I was hoping praying and wishing it didn't happen. It was the hubbs last Graduation and I took Wednesday and Thursday off work so I could go to both of the Ceremonies on Family & Graduation Day. I was there for his first one when he got awarded and I wanted to be there for the last. Mother Nature had other plans though. Monday night our Battalion Commander made the call that Family day on Wed. was canceled. Bummer, but ok we still have Graduation. I emailed my director to cancel my off day, This way if school did get canceled I'd get paid for the snow day. We pretty much new going into work Tuesday morning that we weren't gonna be there all day. Parents even made comments that they knew they'd probably be getting a call to come pick up there kids soon. We were expecting sleet and freezing rain over the next 2+ days. Why even risk it and bring your kiddos in then, knowing your gonna be picking them up with in hours. Never the less everyone was at school that morning in my class. 9am rolled around, we heard that several of the school districts around us were having a early dismissal. We were just waiting it out to see if our district was gonna call it. What do you know right around 9:50am or so we got word that district one was calling early dismissal. Even being a day school we follow district one, when they close we close. Some parents don't like it but they know how the school works going into it. Everyone had to be picked up by 11:30. I thankfully only had 8 parents to call to come get there kiddos and everyone was gone just after 11:30 in my class. I stuck around making sure I wasn't needed any were else and that all the classes were covered before heading out myself. I wanted to beat the sleet getting home even though it had already started. Thankfully it wasn't to bad at all, not yet at least. Once I got home though it just kept coming down and didn't let up. All through the next day it was just freezing rain / sleet. By the end of the night the streets were frozen over solid. They had officially canceled the Graduation ceremony and were just allowing the PVT's another off post pass for Thursday with their families. Go figure this would happen on our last cycle. The parents were more heart broken than anything though, they came all this way to see a ceremony and it wasn't happening. There wasn't any way to post pone it due to travel and training that started the very next day. It happens, that's life in the army, they will get used to it. It might take them a while but they will figure it out. As hard as it is some times for me to wrap my head around the army does come first.
I spent all of Wednesday and Thursday at home deep cleaning the house and going through things getting ready for our upcoming move. I almost wish we could do our Final Out this week because the house is so clean. Then I wouldn't have to do it again, however we still have about a month or two before that happens. SouthernSnowDay = Operation PCS Deep Clean!!! In Full Effect. Post was closed both days as well, but duty calls and the hubbs had to go in. Thursday night he had CQ, the roads were semi ok from what I'd heard and I contemplated taking him dinner. I always do, but tonight was different. I just didn't feel safe or comfortable driving and didn't want to take a chance of something happening just over dinner. Thankfully our sweet friends R & C had made dinner and C took some up to the hubbs. What a life saver, seriously they are the sweetest ever. I don't know what I'm gonna do when we have to leave them. Ok Ok let's not talk about that right now.
We all waited patently through Thursday to hear if we were going to be closed another day. District 2 closed, Post school's closed, then a couple hours later District 1 (that would be us) closed but we still hadn't heard if we were for sure following. The board of directors for the school still have to make the final call. Think about it, half our staff have kids in both of those districts, some staff aren't going to come in due to road conditions. Are we really going to have enough teachers to cover all the classrooms??? Chance's are very slim. And its a Friday, just call it one more day and let the roads and weather clear up over the weekend. Finally about 4pm-something I got a picture text from one of my assistants of the email that went out to the parents stating the school was once again closed and following District One. A 1.5 day work week talk about crazy, I still haven't worked a full work week since before Christmas break. Since we've had so much doing on. But I have a feeling that will all change the week after next. :-/ (Monday's a holiday- lol) We have had plans to take a mini road trip / vacay to our future new home state this weekend since the hubbs has a four day and I'm off Monday. Now we can get on the road earlier than we had planned. We want to do some looking around the area to see were we are wanting to live since we are going to be living off post this time around. But that's another story for another post. Late Thursday evening some of us girls got word that the 4 day for the Drill SGT's had been canceled because they were no longer shipping the PVT's out on Friday due to the road conditions. They needed everyone there to cover down. With Monday being a Federal Holiday that left Tuesday for ship day. I was on edge waiting all night he wouldn't know if his was getting taken back as well till Command came in the next morning. I was determined I was going one way or the other, with or with out him. Thankfully he had told his CO and 1st SGT where we were going a few days back just so he didn't get put on the CQ roster. This morning when he came home, he came up stairs to say good morning and let the pups out
He's snoozing a bit before we hit the road and I'm of course doing some cleaning and going to run a few errands. I seriously contemplated going for a run this morning because I'm itching to get out there on the streets but I'll save it for when we get back. Fingers crossed the roads are fine and we won't have any issues this afternoon.

Hope things are going well!
Aren't you sick of this weather? It was finally warm in Houston today. I hope it's warmed up there too! I'm so excited about y'alls move!!
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