…..For this girl. After I can't even think of how long I'm heading back to the classroom. To be completely honest this is something I should have done forever ago. I wish all the time I would have gone back before now. But better now then never I suppose. I've been given this amazing opportunity through my new school were I work and I'm glad I took them up on it.
I'm taking a 30 hour course at APSU - Austin Peay State University. I'm going through the TECTA program. TECTA is funded by the government and helps further your career in early childhood education. The course goes through the end of September. Short and Sweet but it slowly eases me back into the groove of things for the Spring. When I'll start two classes a night for the next two - three years. I'm excited to finally not only have my CDA in Early Infant and Toddler but I'll also have it in Preschool as of December 2015. After the first two full semesters and receiving my Preschool CDA, I'll continue further towards my Associates in Early Childhood Development. My long term goal is to become a Kindergarten or 1st Grade Teacher. Like I said I sometimes wish I would have done this many times before but no going back now. I'm pushing full force forward from here and really focusing more on me and myself. Not only with my health and fitness but my schooling and future as well.
All classes are in the evening which allows me to continue working full time. Actually because most of the programs are funded through the government you are required to still work a certain amount of hours per week to qualify for the funding.
I was super excited to start this new me, but I was scared to death that I was going to get lost driving on campus. I was freaking out on the inside worried I'd be late because I couldn't find the classroom or I would have to walk forever because I couldn't find parking. I worked straight through my shift today vs. taking a lunch so I could leave a hour early. This way I could go home, walk the pups, grab some dinner, get ready and still make it on time. Whelp I tell you what…..I was early- 15 minutes to be exact, I found parking right outside the door, the classroom was right to the left when I walked in and I was greeted by the instructor. All that stress and worry for nodda thing. I'm not complaining though. I braved it up and walked to the middle of the room and took a seat. Any other day before I woulda stuck closer to the back, I'm trying here though, really trying.
Classes are every Monday and two Saturday's (BLAH) except this next week because of the Holiday we are having class on Wednesday.
Of course I had to take advantage of my "First Day of Preschool" plaque I made for my kiddo's.
The first day of class went well, and I'm looking forward to what's in store over the next several weeks.
Good luck!! I just got my degree in Early Childhood Education and wanted to give up about 1600 times because who has time for school when there are blogs to read? The Austin Peay motto kills me- Let's go Peay! Who the heck thought of that?! Must have been a boy. ;)
Good for you! You are going to do fantastic!
You're going to do great! Congratulations on taking the leap!
WOOHOO!!! So proud of you! And you look beautiful as always. Such a pretty smile.
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