Monday, January 18, 2016

Boy or Girl

Boy or Girl, did you find out or let it be a surprise? We've still got a way's to go till we are able to find out the gender but I'm dying inside wanting to know. There's no way I could wait till the birth to find out and thankfully the hubbs is on the same page as me when it comes to this. I'm a huge panner, talk about some serious OCD here. I want to have babe's name picked out (thats a whole other story), the nursery designed and finished. You know the whole nine yards. Oh and of course everything will be monogrammed (ok maybe not everything) so there needs to be plenty of time for that. I want to have a clearly defined nursery. I'm not a gender neutral kinda gal. Nothing wrong with that at all, just not for me. Everyone has their reasonings for doing what they choose to do when it comes to finding out the gender. But for us / me, I want to know. I'm already going crazy not knowing. 
If you found out the gender of your baby how did you do it? 
*A gender reveal party?
*Did you surprise your Spouse?
*Simply have your doctor tell you?
*Did you do something special / outta the box for the two of you?
I'd love to hear your idea's / suggestions. 

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