Saturday, May 30, 2015

Patio Lunchin

I feel like this scrumptious tasty lunch deserves a post all on its own, it was that good. So simple but one of my favorite summer time dishes. Well really I'll chow down on one any time of the year. You just can't go wrong with a tasty veggie loaded sammy. Hands down I'd much rather go to a Deli and have a delicious sandwich then go to any fast food joint for awful greasy foods. 
What's even better is a freshly homemade sammy!!!!
(aside from Chick-Fil-A, I'll alway LOVE me some Chick-Fil-A) 
I started my morning off bright and early. Not on purpose that's just how the cookie crumbled. I guess when your body is so used to getting up between 4:45 and 5:00am every morning to workout before heading to school, 6:00am becomes sleeping in. I woke up at one point and the sun was already shinning through my windows. I checked the clock figuring it was probably close to 7-ish. NOPE, it was only 5:45am. The heck with that I rolled back over and closed my eyes. A bit later I woke up again, checking the clock it was 6:07am. What in the world, I laid there for a bit browsing through social media on my phone before I bit the bullet and got my butt outta bed. Figured I might as well get up and get moving. The sooner I did, the sooner I would have my workout done for the day. 

Saturday Morning Plan:
-make & chill Shakeology in the freeze for post w/o
-workout - 21 DFX Dirty 30 
-farmers market- by 8-ish, to beat the crowd
-commissary - meat & beans for this week's dinner
-home - lunch and relaxing and a little tv watching
-enjoy my last free Saturday - school starts next week (T / TH / S)
-pups - walk the pups sometime in there

My morning went a little different then planned. But it was well worth it!! 
-Shakeology made and chilling in the freezer
-21 DFX Dirty 30 w/o done
-cleaned the whole house, (wasn't really on the agenda for the day) but so so glad its done
-vacuumed up & down stairs, dusted & wiped everything down, bathrooms bleached, laundry done & put away, bed sheets washed and made, trash taken out, counters & sink cleaned
-farmers market w/ Shak-O in hand- went to our local FM which is super close & stocked up on my veggies for the week
-Hop-town FM - wanted to check out another FM I found via FB a few days ago. From the pictures it looked pretty good. Figured I'd make the drive (ruffly 25-30 mins later) out, so not worth it at all. It was crazy small and not a good variety to choose from. You live and learn right. 
- commissary - though I had two packs of ground turkey in the freezer, nope only one. I needed a second one for a chili I'm making for this week's dinner, wanting to double it to freeze some. I needed a few can's of beans but could pick them up at the local family store near my house. Going to the commissary on payday weekend is not ideal for me. But I refuse to go to Walmart. 
Told myself I was going to make this a quick in and out trip and get just what I needed and that I did. Surprisingly it wasn't to bad but still didn't wanna get stuck in there longer then I had to. 

The point behind the post, MY LUNCH
I got home put everything away, already knowing what I was planning on making for lunch I got to work. It was already a quarter to 1:00 & I was a bit starved. But let me tell you it was well worth the wait. 
Toasted Whole Wheat Grain Toast- lightly peppered topped w/ some FM finds: sliced tomatoes, fresh lettuce leaves, 3 slices of turkey & 3 sliced of ham followed by another layer of sliced tomatoes & lettuce, topped w/ another toasted piece of Whole Wheat Grain Toast & a side of sliced Gala Apples. (no dressing or sauce, it wasn't needed didn't wanna take away from the goodness)
It was amazing, I could seriously eat this every day and never get tired of it. Already looking forward to having it again for tomorrows lunch. I might even add on some boiled eggs. 

Best part is I have plenty of meat and veggies left to make roll-up's with to take for lunch this next week. (no bread)

Following the 21 DFX Nutrition Guide this would equal- 1-red, 2-yellow, 1-green, 2- purple 
Well worth it if I do say so myself. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

When the Going Get's Tuff.... Put a Smile on and Press on.

(disclamer: the title has nothing to do with the post, just sounded good.)

I'm trying to build up my long distance runs again. So with that in mind I've dedicated Sunday's after church to running at the Greenway. A local park that has two great walking trails. One FLAT and one NOT so flat. I take the road less hilly. 
I was beyond stoked with this time and pace of my run from the weekend before last. My goal was 7 and I told myself if I felt good I'd go for 8. Next thing you know I'm at 9 miles. Crazy, but fabulous!! 
I already posted about it but I recently started my first round of the 21 day first extreme program and am absolutely in love with it. Its helped me so much and really allowed me to get my nutrition in check and on the right track. I love what its doing for me and will def. be something that I continue on with even after the 21 days is up. #lifestylechange 
One of my few To Do's for while the hubbs is away is to stock up on Powder. He reloads his own ammo. And well I haven't had any luck at all. He's picky and only likes one brand, which just so happen that everyone else the country apparently likes the same one. So needless to say its been hard to come by. That is until I found out a guy in our neighborhood owns a gun store, who happen to be at a gun show this past weekend and came across a 8lb. and 4lb. jug of powder that I've been looking for. I told him to pick up the 8lb. for me, and the more I though about it, I knew if I told the hubbs there was more and I didn't get it, I'd never live it down. Well needless to say I got both, but haven't told him. I'm planning on waiting and surprising him when he gets home. 
He also though I needed my own range bag to take along with us, when he gets home. I didn't really feel it was a must have on my part but who am I to argue. I got the bag in the mail a couple weeks ago and it sat on my kitchen table and never moved. That was until I had the brilliant idea to have it MONOGRAMMED. Hello!!!! Just wait till he comes home and see's that. Let's just hope he really did intend on it being for me and not himself. lol 
This past Sunday morning at the Greenway, church services where different due to the Holiday so I took it upon myself to sleep in and skip church. Well I didn't get my sleeping in done. I never can seem to sleep past 7ish. So why lay there and be lazy when I can get up and get my work out and run done and over before noon. That's just what I did. A 30 minute routine of Yoga from the 21 DFX plan and then another 9 miles at the Greenway. My goal was 10 miles but my legs just weren't feeling it. I pushed myself to get to 9. I just knew my pace was going to be much higher then last week and in fact it wasn't it was spot on. My time as well. To last week. I couldn't believe it. Almost had me wishing I would have pushed myself that extra mile. 
After my morning run, (I was done and home by 10:30, which felt great) I made myself a little 21 DFE approved snack and relaxed on the back patio for a few hours. It was such a beautiful day out. I attempted to catch some zzzz's but the pesky flies didn't let that happen. Not to mention I think I need to get some seat cushions for our chairs.  

I was really missing my love that evening. Long weekends will do that to you. I tend to stay pretty busy during the week, which helps the time pass quickly but the weekends are harder. This past weekend I had absolutely NO plans which was wonderful. A few errands, meal prepping and my 21 DFX W/O's but that was it. I took full advantage of relaxing at home, catching up on some tv shows and simply enjoyed not having to be any where or do anything. It was a much needed break from the hustle and bustle of life lately. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

My Worst Nightmare.....

sound asleep, dreaming peacefully, only to be woken up at 2:30am by the fire alarm going off in your house beeping so loudly saying "fire in house" is not my ideal of a perfect evening. i jumped out of bed, checked over the balcony (had to make sure there wasn't a intruder, that's another story) and raced down stairs to let the pups out. i unset the house alarm and started checking every room in the house. i couldn't smell smoke, i didn't see fire or even see smoke. the stupid alarm was so loud. my heart was racing like crazy and panic was starting to set in. what to do, do i leave, who do i call, i'm home alone and my fire alarm was going off. i couldn't get the stupid thing to stop beeping. i stepped out on my front porch to see if there was anything going on out side. mean while its 2:45am by this point and i called my neighbor but she didn't answer, so i called the other one. nothing. called the first one back again, her husband this time. he didn't answer. omg, i'm literally freaking out. i felt awful at the though of going over to wake them up, but what was i suppose to do. i went over and knocked on the door. thankfully he had just gotten up to call me back. i explained in a panic what was going on and with out hesitation he came over to check the house. again we found nothing but got the alarm turned off. he semi sorta put my mind at ease and went home. i shut and locked the front door, hung my jacket up and the freaking alarm started going off again. que, heart attack again, i opened the door yelled at E to come back but he'd already gone back inside. while trying to turn it off again i was calling him to come back over. when he did the alarm at that point started saying carbon monoxide detected. i'm literally panicking at this point, i have many fears in life, hello i'm human. but one of them is my home catching on fire and loosing everything. it terrifies me. i'm sure as it would any one. E suggested we called 911 to have them come out and take a look around the house to make sure there was no sights of it and that everything was ok. when i did the first dispatcher suggested changing the batteries first. when i explained to him A) i'm home alone and want to have my house checked out and B) i don't have any batteries here at the house, he seemed a little more understanding. trying to keep my cool and not go off on this guy because i didn't want E to see m crazy side, he then transferred me to another dispatcher whom i explain the situation to. they agreed to quickly get someone out to the house and suggested we wait outside till they got there. it had started to rain again and so E said I could wait at their house and we'd watch out the window to see when they came. i don't even know how long it took them to get to my house it seemed like forever probably because at this point i was exhausted and still panicked something was wrong. praying my home wasn't going to catch fire. finally the local volunteer fire truck came down our street, I guess when you live in the country and its 3:15am that's what you get. first he stopped about 5 house two early and almost went to the door. how awful would that have been, if he did and woken up that poor couple. i quickly walked down to him as he was getting out and asked if he was here for the alarm call. i pointed out that my house was down a few more. once he came down and i explain what was going on. him and E went in and checked over everything again. he did a carbon monoxide test on the house and nothing read over a 0 which was good. he checked and found no signs of smoke of fire through out the home. what in the world could have caused this then. i was at a loss. E checked the batteries and replaced the ones that were low. he suggested that may have been the reason it went off. i've never heard of such a thing, i've always just known them to beep a constant steady beep till you replace it. the main two in the house where the ones going off so maybe they are different he suggested. the local fire department guy left after completing his checks and E made sure i was settled and ok. i apologized a million and one times and couldn't thank him enough. i felt awful. it took me a good hour plus to fall back asleep and i didn't end up waking up till 9am. which that never happens. sleeping in for me at the most is 7-7:30am. the night really got the best of me. thank goodness i had the day off, i'm not sure i could have made it in to work if i hadn't. i didn't have a lot to do today, a couple errands but the last thing i wanted to do was work out and put myself together. i wanted comfort food and to be lazy. however i picked myself up got my work out in and headed out the door, shakeology in hand. ran my errands and got my to do list done. came home baked muffins for my ever so amazing neighbors and delivered them with replacement batteries in hand. it's been a world wind over the past several months but i'm pretty sure this tops the cake. i'm over the deployment, throwing in the towel, i need....there's no longer a want i NEED my husband home. i mean of course i want him home but you know what i mean.
frozen pipes in the winter, fire alarm's going off in the spring, summer please be nice to me i don't know that i can handle anything else. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

1 Week Down a LifeTime To Go!!!

          (its long but I PROMISE its worth the read!!!)
          I had the chance a couple weeks ago to participate in a Beach Body on Demand free 14 day program. I was apart of a challenge group where we helped keep each other accountable by checking in at the end of each day. The coaches that ran the group where great and super support supportive. Giving us challenges and recommendations to keep everyone involved on track. I was totally bummed when the 14 days ended and was looking for more. That's when my ever so Sweet Blog Friend Jenny (whom I learned about the initial program from) introduced me to her next challenge group starting up. "Spring into Summer" The Beach Body 21 Day Fix Extreme plan. I was hesitant at first for many reason but my excitement and drive to continue my journey to getting fit and living a healthy life far exceeded those fears. I talked it over with the hubbs to get his take and opinion on the program. I talked it over with a friend whose gone through the program as well. After going back and forth I bit the bullet and signed up to be a Beach Body Coach and haven't looked back once. I spent the next few days (and still currently) searching through Pinterest for approved meal plans: breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, treats, snacks you name it I wanted to know everything. Suggestions on how to incorporate this into my life. Not to mention the million and one questions I had for Jenny, she was such a doll to answer them all and so supportive.
          Once I received my kit in the mail I spent the evening reading every piece of material provided. I was so excited to get started with this new journey. I made out my meal plan for the week according to the container allotments I was allowed and took the weekend to prep for the week ahead. Something I've been doing already since the hubbs has been gone, I just had to put a little more work into it this go around. Which was a big reason behind wanting to do this program in the first place. I've been eating the right foods, clean / healthy foods but not necessarily the right portion amounts for each food group. With 21 Day Fix Extreme program it lays it all out there for you. Its pretty much fool proof. Included is a nutrition guide / food plan - that goes along with each food group and a coordinating colored container (also included) that allows you to measure out your foods. 3 sets of work out DVD's and a weekly schedule to follow. If that wasn't enough also included is a month supply of Shakeology, which is a meal replacement protein shake filled with super foods your body needs. Shakeology helps with increasing your energy levels, reduces cravings, weight loss, improves digestion and regularity and simply transforms your health. - i.e.: straight from the website. (I've had shakeology a couple times before but it was only a small sample pack and I didn't stick with it.)
          Today I officially completed the first of three weeks in my first round of the 21 day fit extreme plan. It wasn't completely horrible at all, in fact I had trouble making sure I fit in all my containers when making out my meal plan for the week. But I got it done. I've grown to love shakeology, it tastes amazing and really is a great way to start my day. I've found that I've been in a much better mood through the day and much more alive if you will. I go to bed looking forward to waking up just so I can have my Shake-O. It's that good!!! I'm currently drinking Strawberry but can't wait to try out some of the other flavors. This past week had definitely opened my eyes to a new way of looking at food and how to incorporate it into my day. Not to mention the workouts, 30 minutes might not sound like you'd get that much out of it but boy let me tell you. I used to bust my butt for almost a hour every morning. With the 21 DFX I'm sweating my booty off half way through it. And I'm not doing the same routine every day.
          Needless to say I'm loving this new me and the 21 DFX program. It's something I plan to continue with even after the 21 days is up. That includes my daily does Shakeology. I plan to even continue with the Fix after my husband returns from deployment. I've worked to hard over the past several months since he's been gone to toss it all out the window when he comes home. It will most definitely be a adjustment, I'm not going to lie, it will be a struggle to get into a routine and learn how to cook according to the Fix for Two. But I'm up for the challenge and I'm not going to let life get the best of me.
          Living a New Fit Healthy Life Style has become a new love of mine. Not to say I lived a horribly awful one with horrible choices before. I / we ate relatively healthy, (we lacked in the veggie and fruit department) I didn't exercise but I did run quite a bit. However that wasn't enough. And I know that now. I don't know everything about being healthy and working out or making the right choices nor will I ever I'm sure. But I'm learning as I go and enjoying the ride to a better me. Will there be mistakes, cheat days, frustrations, failures, times I want to give up. YOU BET. Will I pick myself up and dust off my feet and keep going? YOU BET.
          I've only got one life to live. I plan on living it to the fullest. The longest, To the best of my ability. I know the only way to do that is through trusting God and his plan for me. I strongly whole heartily believe this is his plan. I've got a wonderful support system through many friend both in real life and through my challenge group and of course my biggest supporter my husband. I wouldn't be where I am if it wasn't for him.
          I say all of this (my own opinion, review and feed back) to 1) keep myself accountable. 2) put out there what has changed about me through this deployment and how I've grown. 3) to give you and / or someone you know the knowledge I've gained.

You've got goals, dreams???

          If you are looking to jump start your life to a healthier you, drop a few or several pounds, maybe break some old habits, fit into those jeans or swim suite again (hello summer is HERE) or simply want to get your nutrition on track. Please Please let me know. I would more than love to help you with that. I promise you wont regret it at all, in fact you'll be thanking me later. 

1 week down a LIFETIME to go!!!! 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Springing into Summer!!!!

I'm absolutely love loving this warmer sunshiny weather we are having. It's done wonder's on my pale skin and brightened up my home as well. I've brought in some beautiful flowers through out the back and front yard. Even added some veggie and fruit plants, well see how long those hold up. However I have been really good about remembering to water them, so fingers crossed. I've been enjoying our back patio quite a bit here lately. It's so relaxing to come home from a long day at work and just sit outside with the pups, have dinner and listen to the birds and bugs. I've spruced it up a bit so its cozy and cute, I've still got a few idea in mind to add to it but for now its just perfect!!! It's much more enjoyable then plopping in front of the tv, which I find I'm doing less and less through out the work week. I am oh so excited about the new season of the Bachelorette starting up this Monday though. Should be interesting to see how this season play's out with there being two Bachelorette's. Sadly I'll have to wait till Tuesday night's to watch it since we do not have cable, only Net-Flix and Hulu. It took a while to get used to not having cable but I can proudly say I don't miss it one bit. We didn't watch it nearly enough before and so it just made sense to do with out when we moved to TN. I don't know that we'll ever go back, I like to enjoy the simpler finer things in life and I grown to realize tv isn't one of those.

Everybody loves a little local Strawberry pickin. Sarah and her sweet little family where kind enough to share part of her mother's day with me. We met out at the strawberry farm to do a little picking of our own. Little AB couldn't stop eating them, she was def. enjoying the her first adventure of S. picking. I didn't blame her one bit though, they are so fresh and tasty!!! 
This past week at work has been absolutely crazy and exhausting. I'm so glad the weekend is here and I hope it creeps by because I'm not ready to start another work week yet. I am scheduled to work a 40 hour work week and from time to time I'll have a hour- two at the most of collective over time though the week. Yesterday when I clocked out at 5 min. till 6pm mind you I am suppose to get off at 4:30pm, I had 46 hours for the week. That's 6 hours "SIX" hours of over time. That's more than a hour a day people. Talk about one of the longest weeks ever!!!! I still managed to come home and walk the pups and pick up the house a bit before settling down for dinner. But boy was I beat, between my weekly workouts, runs and non-stopping working I was more than ready for a break.
I'm not sure though how long this "break" is going to last. I start a new workout / nutrition plan on Monday. (some of you may have heard of the 21 day fix extreme, through beachbody, ya I'm going to do it, wish me luck!!) And we have less then a month till our pre-school graduation, so I'm going to have to really start buckling down with my kiddos even more to get them ready for that. Not to mention there was / is a possibility for me to take a summer course and when I say summer I mean a whole 15 week course crammed into a single month. Through the month of June. A little part of me was kinda hoping it would fall through and I wouldn't feel so overwhelmed but it didn't and here I am. I have the weekend to decide if I'm going to do this or not. Like the husband said, I've got to take it at some point so why not just go and get it over with. But hello its 5 Tuesday night, 2 Thursday nights and 4 Saturday's through the month. 45 whopping hours aaaahhh!!!! I don't know what to do. The one good thing is I know the instructor teaching the class, and my girl A who took the last two classes with is doing it, so at least I'll know someone. And I suppose it would probably help pass more time with the hubbs not being home.
Speaking of that handsome fella himself, he really needs to hurry and get his booty home. I know not like he has any control over that matter. But would be nice if he did. Still no word on when he's coming back either, which totally down right sucks, seeing's as his whole company came back early April and he was moved to another company. Talk about a bummer. But we have officially decided where we are going for his / our post deployment trip and I'm beyond excited. Crazy as it was to it was all his idea, I most certainly didn't see that one coming. We're keeping it under the radar for now but I can't wait to share!!!!
Well now that I've sat out and enjoy the morning rain and chirping birds this lovely gloomy morning I suppose it's time for me to get ready for the day, Sarah and I've got a little adventuring to do this morning. Time with her is always the best and frankly not always that often enough so I'm soaking it in and enjoying it while we can. Because I'm sure gonna miss her here soon, but we aren't talking about that. I'm in denial!!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

55 miles

I set a goal to run 29 miles in the month of April in honor of my 29th birthday. Well I not only passed it but for just getting back into the running season I crushed it. I finished out the month of April with a total of 55 miles logged. I was so and still and so pumped. I have been really working on my pace this past month and its improved so much, it's really boosted my self-esteem and given me the confidence that I can do anything I put my mind to. I've got the distance down and don't really have a problem with that. I typically only run short runs between 3-5 miles during the week though. I love being able to get my run out of the way during my lunch break from work. (I work out in the mornings before work) So coming home in the evenings and simply walking the pups and being able to have dinner and relax is such a great feeling. I'm hoping to continue and improve my pace as well as continue to build my miles back up per run. If you follow along on Instagram you've seen my progress post's but I wanted to share them here as well for ol' time sake and of course for me to have to look back on. I'm really wanting to get back into racing as well. I don't mind going alone, but when we lived in Cola. I had my running buddy and we always went together. I wish I had someone here to run races with. Maybe one day but I'm telling myself I can't let that hold me back. I've completely stepped out of my comfort zone / box since the hubbs has been gone and it's been great to really get out there and find myself. I know I can over come this as well.

I'm loving this new tank my Spouse Sarah sent me for my birthday, not only does it show my love for Texas but HELLO its Monogrammed!!!! 
I've got a little challenge with myself to get my 5k time down to 25 minutes. This just a smig over 2 minutes that I have to shave off my time. That's less than a minute a mile, totally do able and I'm determined to get there!!!

Spring is in the air and baby its HOT outside but that's not stopping this girl!!! I love that I've gotten to work on my tan all while getting my sweat on. Its a two for one deal. :) 

I crushed my goal for April with 55 miles, so I've set another mile goal for May. I know its totally do able but that mean's I'm going to have to up my game a little bit!!! 
Here's to another month of living a healthy fit life and working on a better ME!!!! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Happy Birthday To US!!!!!

This year our birthday celebration's where a bit low key and well, I was totally ok with that. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with my birthday being in the middle of the week but I knew I wanted to do something. But taking the whole day off work seemed silly because in reality what was I going to go do all day. That's when a co-worker / friend suggested taking the afternoon off. That was the best idea ever!!! I was able to go into work, celebrate my birthday with my kiddos and then have the afternoon to myself, or to do whatever it was I wanted.

So that morning I treated myself to Panera Bread for breakfast, Berry Smoothie and a Cinnamon Swirl bagel. So tasty!! 
I absolutely love Strawberry Cake and had been itching to make a Sprinkled covered one, it seemed fitting for a birthday celebration at school and the kiddos loved it!!! 

I've been extremely faithful with my NO-FAST FOOD since the hubbs has left but a birthday calls for a SPLURGE and that I did. After I got off for the afternoon, my friend / co-worker Barbie and I headed to Chick-fil-a for a little celebratory lunch. OMG, it was fabulous and I absolutely loved every bit. Totally worth it! 
After lunch I enjoyed a little bit of me time which included a much needed Pedi and then to the movies to finally see Furious 7. I'd been holding out to go see it on my B-day to give me something to do and it was so nice not to have to deal with the crowds. 
I ended the evening with a quick 3 mile run around my neighborhood followed by dinner that consisted of a Apple. Which I was totally fine with,  After Splurging through the day I was stuffed and really not all that hungry. It made up for everything I'd eaten that day.


The hubbs birthday is 9 days after mine but generally we make a point to celebrate them both. I'm all about celebrating on my day for me and his day for him. This year with him being deployed there wasn't mach celebrating done on his part, so I of course had to make up for him and that I did. 
I had these fabulous cookies made for our birthday and kept half of them for myself and sent him the other half. They where seriously so tasty and I could have eaten them all up in one or two sittings but I didn't. (that would have been bad.) I absolutely loved the post M wrote with her Insta picture so much I had to share it. 

 I sent these along with some other goodies to the hubbs and he definitely enjoyed them. 
We didn't really do gifts this year, my gift is a new pair of running shoes. However I have to wait till I get my custom braces back from being made before going and getting them. (that's a whole other story.) The hubbs is always ordering gun stuff and so of course that is what his gift consisted of this year. 
It's just not a birthday celebration without yummy food and CUPCAKES!!!! 
Oh a whim Barbie and I decided to order Chinese for lunch and have a little lunch date in our classroom. It was so good, I love me some sweet 'n sour chicken and fried rice!!! I had already decided that I was going to get cupcakes for us to have that afternoon, of course in the hubbs honor. It's what he would have wanted, I am sure of it!!! 
We have a local cupcake shop here and their cupcakes and huge, I got two and we split them so we each had a half of each one. I'm pretty sure I could have popped after, between lunch and the cupcakes. But my cheat day's have come far and far and few here lately so it was a nice little treat. 
That evening I headed to the ball field to watch two of my little kiddo's play T-Ball and had my dinner on the way. A Apple of course, I was still pretty full from the day and not to hungry but knew I needed something in my system. I was craving something fresh and healthy so a sliced Apple on the go it was. I've seriously become addicted to them here over the last few months, not a day goes by I don't have one. 
All in all it was a good two day's of celebrating our birthday's considering our current situation and being thousands of miles away from each other. 
I'm looking forward to being able to do celebrating and making up for all the missed Holiday's when he does finally make it back home.