Friday, April 3, 2009

3rd times a charm

Oh me oh my....I just love living here in Hawaii, its such an adventure and we are having a blast living it. The only thing that gets me is the rain. You look out side and the weather is so beautiful and sunny and warm. And then the next thing you know its raining 10 minutes later. Either really hard or just a slight sprinkle never the less its raining. Now don't get me wrong or anything I like the a point. This past Tuesday Gabe & I made plans with a few of our friends to go to the Dole Plantation and walk our way through the maze, however as soon as we started heading up there it starts to sprinkle. No big deal I tell myself it will pass in a matter of minutes. The closer we got there the hard and hard it started to rain. (mind you it was 1pm & right up until we started driving there it was gorgeous outside.) Okay so change of plans, we decided to go this past Thursday (yesterday). We made plans to meet up and drive there around 2pm. Once we got to the Steven's house it starts to sprinkle (still sunny as ever outside), me trying to stay positive by saying "oh it will pass its ok". We headed up there and as soon as we turn to head toward North Shore the bottom of the sky opens up and it was raining harder than ever. AAAhhhh really are you kidding me!!! AGAIN!!!! So we tryed thinking of something else we could do, however everything that everyone kept coming up with was outside and seeings it was raining that wasn't going to work. So we decided to head down to Pearl Ridge Mall. Four & half hours later some Starbucks a bite to eat, 3 new cook books & a new Willow Tree Angel and a great time with My Love and some sweet friends we decided to split ways and head back to Schofield. What started out as a wonderful sunny day turned in to a ball of rain and a afternoon at the mall. So we have decided to try again next week to visit the Dole Plantation, we are determined to go one way or another hee hee.

1 comment:

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

I can't believe how much it's been raining either!! Here's hoping for more sunny days to come :)