Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friends "R" Forever

Nichole & Gabers after a yumtastic dinner

Nichole, Trisha, Emily & I hanging out on the fire pit.

We had the most amazing time catching up with The Clingers & Trisha last night. Having such great friends like them in our life is truly a blessing. I love that no matter how long we go with out seeing each other or talking that we pick right up were we left off. I think that is what a true friendship is about.
We Had a wonderful dinner complements to chef Nichole, watched the guys & Pace's mom play some Horse Shoes and a nice swim in the pool. It was great to just sit back and relax and chat it up. I love coming back to Arizona just for reason's like today and this whole week so far. It's just amazing and growing on me more and more :), just gotta get use to the darn heat. OMG, its killer.

Gabers catching up w/ the his besties.

He LOVES My kisses

Pace made Trisha & I Starbucks Hot CoCo, it was so yummy (& yes it was a 100 something to degrees outside)


Jess said...

Glad you had a great time...wish I could have seen you guys! :(

Jess said...

Glad you had a great time...wish I could have seen you guys! :(

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

Arizona's is a great place to vacay! My grandparents used to live there so we went there quite a bit. I'm so glad you guys got to spend quality time with your friends/family in the valley :)