YES YOU ARE READING THAT RIGHT...........after almost 12 long (11 & half) grueling months I FINALLY have my Solider back in my arms were he belongs. We have officially completed deployment number TWO. Sure some people have been through many more but out of the 43 months we have been married he has been in Iraq 27 of those months. Meaning over half our marriage, wow typing that out really puts it in the perspective for me. I couldn't be happier the stress of the "what ifs" is gone, the worry is over and I can sleep peacefully for the first time in a LONG time knowing he isn't going back to that damn sand box anytime soon. Not having that one you love and adore home with you & knowing they are off fighting this war has got to be the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. The sleepless nights & stressful days didn't make it easy by any means, but I did have an amazing support group here to help me make it through each day.
The two of us changed so much over the past year for the better and I'm loving were we are in life now and the couple we have grown to be. The army changes you that's for sure, sometimes we don't like the change & other times we welcome it with open arms. I look forward to starting the next chapter in our life and seeing were things take us.
The moment they were dismissed every thing was a blur, I had longed for that moment since the morning standing in the rain that I had to watch him walk away on to the bus. When we reached each other he wrapped his arms around me and a giant weight was lifted off & a sign of relief, I could breath again with out feeling guilty. I could laugh & not feel bad for having a good time & I could tell him how I felt face to face rather then through the computer. It was the best feeling in the world and I will remember it for the rest of my life.
This deployment was so much different for us then the first one, it had its ups and downs just as the first one did. Some say it gets easier the more you have to go through but I think it gets hard the more deployments you are going through. No one knows what the future holds right now & only time will tell but one thing I know for a fact is that we will make it through anything that life puts in front of us.
I TRULY AM THE HAPPIEST I HAVE BEEN IN A LONG TIME, MY LIFE IS COMPLETE AND MY HEART IS WHOLE AGAIN. What more could I ask for.............. can't think of anything at the moment.

There was only 138 guys that came home on chalk 11 on Friday morning June 17th @ 4:30 in the morning and mainly 1-27 guys :) It was the smallest ceremony I have been to so far. It was nice not to have a hundred other families there in the hanger screaming and yelling with their kids running around every were. I think it made for a much more special moment, I am so blessed to have such an fabulous loving husband!!!

Congrats!!!! I know it is the absolute best feeling ever!!!
Welcome Home Gabe!! So happy you have your love home chickadee!! It's been a long year...thank goodness it's over!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend with your man :)
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