Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our week on Instagram

Here's a glimpse back at our week Instagram style. It was a pretty good week all around, a few unexpected turn of events, two dinner outings and a bit of shopping. 

Our last and final sunflower bloomed. 
This was a baby one but still pretty. Did you know that sunflowers only have one life. Yup, once they bloom and die they are done for. If you want them to grow back next year you can either collect & harvest the seeds or simple buy more and replant. They are really easy to grow, you just have to make sure they have plenty of water. I was disappointed when I found out they wouldn't come back on their own. 
Wednesday ~Day 251~ 
This week the SIT are spending some time at the range getting ready for BRM Qualifications. This is very important and plays a big role in weather or not a Soldier graduates. Friday is the last day for Qualifications & also makes 4 weeks down, only 5 weeks to go.
(hubby standing on the left) 
Later that evening we went to dinner with another couple from the company. The guys had been wanting to try out this German restaurant called Hullers. It was ok, they liked it of course. Me not so much but the dessert selection was to die for!!!! I couldn't pick just one, our waiter was kind enough to bring me two slices of cake. German Chocolate & Carrot Cake, I decided against the Cheese Cake as I figured that would make me look like a complete fatty lol. Its not often at all that we order dessert when we go out to eat but when its included in your meal you simply can't say no. 
I think Bailey was in need of some major cuddle time because when we went to bed this is were she laid for the first half hour. 

Thursday ~Day 252~ 
I had been dreading today all week and quite frankly contemplated canceling my appointment a few times. In hopes to brighten the day I decided to do a little retail therapy shopping before going to the dreaded dentist. :( I haven't shopped much for myself here lately, we are trying to save more were we can and cut out unnecessary costs. I did buy myself a cute new dress & a pair of earrings. It helped a little but once I sat in that chair in the dental office it all changed. A few tears started streaming down my face as the nurse asked how I was doing. After explaining to the Dr. I needed to have a tooth pulled (which is what I was told from another dentist, I came for a 2nd opinion), he could tell how upset and nervous I was. He started making conversation over my tattoos on my feet to change the subject, it help and worked (I knew those things would come in handy one day lol). Thank goodness for 2nd opinions, because he said he could fix it and I wouldn't need to have it pulled. Thank you lord, I was scared sh*tl*ss. See I spent a lot of time during middle school at the Orthodontist because I had braces, enough to last a lifetime. So I cringe at the though of going now, yes at the age of 26 I cried at the dentist. A hour & a half later I walked out feeling a bit funny because the whole left side of my mouth was numb. I still have to go back two more times to finish things up. I have hopes that after this ordeal dental visits wont be as bad. We shall see. 
While I was over coming my fears of the dentist this was going on in the bay were the hubbs works. Lets just say you really shouldn't cross a DS wrong, lie, cover up for someone, hide things, keep secrets, speak when not spoken to, better yet you better NOT move unless told to. 
Friday ~Day 253~ 
Nothing more attractive then seeing my Soldier in his uniform. I love coming home and he's already home from work. Being a DS that doesn't happen very often, he's normally home HOURS after me and I get off at 5:30pm. We had a little date night tonight, dinner at Carrabba's. It was the first time we've gotten all dolled up and go out just the two of us since Cycle started. He finally got his Mojiti he'd been wanting. I'm not a fan at all, never have been so I stuck with my sweet tea. :) 
Saturday ~Day 254~
I needed to run to the PX this morning to grab a few things to finish cleaning the house. I decided to treat myself to breakfast, after all I am spending the weekend home alone. I did text the hubbs to see if they wanted any but he declined. I'm sure I'll get a call for lunch here after while so that's fine. 
And there's that lunch call I mentioned above. They are out all day at the confidence course unable to leave. The SIT get to feast on MRE's but really who wants that. At the hubbs request it was pizza, I was gonna get the good stuff but he said go cheap so I did. With a bit of a variety from Cheese, Pepperoni, Taco, Zesty, Mac n Cheese the Drill SGT's of D-Co were quite please. I enjoy getting to go out and take them lunch when I can and get a glimpse at what they are doing. 
I didn't stay to long because it was crazy hot out and well lets face it the air conditioner was calling me. 


Janna Renee said...

I never liked a man in uniform until I saw my soldier!! I hope you keep getting good results at the dentist. I am sooo careful with my teeth, because I want nothing to do with crazy dental stuff. The worst I have had is a deep cleaning. Knock on wood.

Brittany said...

What a week!! Hope your dentist results stay good...I hate the dentist! That cake looks sooooo good. Drooling!

lilmoomoo said...

Oh girl. I am SO with you about the dentist!!!!!
I never ever had a problem with it when I was younger, I even had braces and stuff, but for some reason, I'm freaking about going for just a check up/cleaning. Haha I have no idea why.
Also, so glad you an your

lilmoomoo said...

Uhhh my phone freaked & wouldn't let me finish- but so glad you and your boo got a date night ;)

E said...

I did not know that about sunflowers!
I like your style with two desserts. You go girl!
And pup cuddle time, so adorbs.