Tuesday, October 16, 2012

MY BOOT!!!!!

Well not mine, but Nancy's......although that's what we heard for about 30 minutes after this catastrophe happened. Us and everyone that we came in contact with on our walk back to our room. 
Walking to dinner we ran in to our friend Steve. He told us w just missed him doing the worm. Darn that would have been a sight to see. Some how something came up about a splits competition and Nancy just couldn't say no. We did cheer and encourage her on a bit. I'll have you know the mom of 3 has still got it!!!! Bam she was down with no trouble at all. 
Minutes later she was up and we were headed to the dining room for dinner and that's when the melt down started. Some how her boot broke when she got up or down from the splits and she let us know about it and everyone around. I think the alcohol from the show had a little help on the dramaticness. Needless to say we had a little fun with it. 
If you asked her, she wouldn't think it was all that funny. She was so mad / upset / tipsy add this all together and you get a very teary eyed mistress and overly funny spouse. The complete bottom of the boot came off. Thankfully they weren't knew, she'd had them for a while. Still didn't help the situation any though. 
We parked it on a window seat to kinda help her gather her thoughts. It probably wasn't the best place to sit, with a bar right in front of us. She got some crazy looks, she let them all know really quickly what happen and told them not to do the splits because there boot would break. 
While I tried to help her hold it together and calm down a little Sarah was off on a hunt for help. Super Glue or simply something to attach it back together. It was only day 3 and we were going to have a even bigger mess on our hands if she was bootless, after all it was her idea to bring them. 
I love her so much but seriously how can you not laugh at that face. She was really really sad about it, like I said I think the alcohol had some thing to do with it, at least a little. 
While Sarah was on a search for help we went outside to get some fresh air. She still proceeded to tell everyone we passed about what had happened.  
We met Sarah back in the room, shortly after there was a knock at the door. It was SAM, we don't know Sam. All we know is that he came baring Super Glue and saved the night....the trip really. They had a carpenter on board the ship but he was already off duty for the night so Sam was going to try and fix her boot. I think he used almost the whole bottle and you know what it worked!!! Back together good as new, no more tears. 
She had to get a picture with Sam for coming to the rescue, and thanks to the Spouse for helping save the night. The dramatic madness was over and we could go to dinner!!! 
I love these girls, its never a dull moment with them. We always have so much fun together. 
They did both remind me that I'm now the only one that hasn't had a shoe catastrophe while we've been out some were together. I hope to keep it that way to, at least as long as I'm in my good shoes. 


Brittany said...

Hahaha! So funny! Thank goodness for mystery Sam...sounds like he saved the day!

Janna Renee said...

Yay for Sam and super glue!!