Monday, July 9, 2012

peaches please

I seriously have the best parents ever. They are so sweet, always thinking about us and going out of their way. This morning when little Miss H arrived she came barring a bag of freshly picked peaches. You can't go wrong with fresh fruits and veggies. Dad said her and her sister picked them all by themselves this past weekend and they wanted to share some with us. I ended up bringing home about half a dozen. I'm not a fan of peaches simply by themselves, the hubbs is the same way. I love a good peach cobbler but the hubbs does not. I've made a Peach Cobbler Cinnamon Roll Swirl dessert before and its simply fabulous. The hubby loved it to so double points there. I think I'm going to make that here in the next day or two for him to take to work and share with the other Drill SGT and Cadre. I love baking yummy sweet treats but we definitely don't need them in our house all the time. I know they  wont turn away good food and even better its free. 

Have you ever met a Soldier that says no to a home cooked meal or dish???? 
I haven't lol. 

~DAY 270~


Brittany said...

Yummmmm! That dessert sounds amazing, too. Post the recipe please! :)

Rachel said...

Mmmmm, I love that it's peach season right now! I actually enjoy peaches just by themselves too, for breakfast or anything. But where we live, there's just a short time that they're available!

Kate @ Daffodils said...

That was sweet of you to send in treats for the guys. I'm sure it made their day!

Mrs. Robinson said...

Haha! :) Fresh peaches in the summer are SO good, and messy! And your cobbler sounds delish, girl.