Sunday, March 11, 2012

BackYard MakeOver

If there's one thing I absolutely HATE doing it's definitely YARD WORK!!!! With the horrible allergies I have and the lack of wanting to get my hands dirty, it just does not mix well. Our backyard has been looking a little funky and frankly pretty sad if I do say so myself. I'm blaming it on the weather, the massive weds and of course those mangy mutts of ours. Friday when I got home from walking the pups I got a wild hair brain idea and decided to tackle the weds. I pulled them all up and had most everything picked up before the hubbs got home. He was quite surprised and lets face it I was to, I think it was the frustration from the week that came over me because when I was done I felt great. 

Today we tackled the yard, tilling up the old dead dirt, pulling up the last few of the weeds I missed.

Dingo wasn't much help, he enjoyed sun bathing while the hubbs did all the hard work.

I kinda joined him as well, I did my part on Friday. So I sat and watched lol.

After cleaning up the yard the seeds were spread in hopes of some new beautiful green grass to come. I am crossing my fingers hoping that it grows in fast and full. I am so tired of the pups tracking dirt all on the patio and into the dining area.

Dingo wasn't to sure what to make of the spreader and all that "stuff" flying out from it. He kept jumping up trying to grab it with his mouth it was pretty funny. There was also a giant butterfly flying around when we were out there and Dingo kept running the fence line trying to catch it. I was dying laughing, he really is kinda special lol. 

We planted some Sun Flower seeds under our living room window that meets up with the backyard. I'm really hope they will brighten up the yard and help bring some life to it.
PS: don't you just love my super cute sprinkler we got at the PX.

I have this pesky beautiful thing to thank for the hole in the yard. I don't know what got over her, when we first got her in Hawaii she went through this digging phase but it didn't last to long. We haven't seen it since then all of a sudden she decided to dig a nice big hole in the yard. Needless to say we weren't to happy with her. It's only happened once since we got here but I'm watching her like a hawk until the grass grows in.

i LOVE this guy!!!!

Helping him water the yard lol more so watching as he moves the sprinkler from side to side. 
Keep your fingers crossed that it all comes in sooner rather than later!!! :) 

Whats your take on yard work, do you love it or hate it?!?!?!!?
 I'd love to have some pretty hanging plants from our lanai, maybe we will look into that one next weekend.

~DAY 150~


whit | Black Little Button blog said...

looks like a lot work for a yard, luckily we live on an upper which means NO YARD. It's a :) and a :(

Mrs. Robinson said...

I. Hate. Yarwork. So parents used to use it as a punishment when I was bad as a child. They'd make me pick up sticks out the yard. And the yard is huge. And we lived in the woods. husband and I have the same yard to deal with. And he's super lazy when it comes to stuff like that. Our yard looks a mess and I keep threatening him with hiring a pro if he doesn't do it, haha. Good for y'all!

❈ Annie - Blonde Glambition ❈ said...

I usually don't mind yard work as long as I know the end result is going to be fabulous. However, there have been times when my yard projects have been major flops and then I hate it, mostly because I feel like a failure.