Sunday, March 4, 2012

Weekend ReCap :)

This weekend has been packed with so much, well not really just more than the usual for us. Friday when I got home I was greeted by the hubbs :) I love getting home and he's already there. It doesn't happen that often right now with Drill School. From there we went and picked up some ammo so he could go to the shooting range in the morning. After that little adventure we headed to the Columbia Craft Show that was going on this weekend!!! I was so excited, I had only found out about it 2 days prior and couldn't wait to check it out. I always enjoyed going to them with my mom when I lived back in TX. We picked up a few goodies before heading back to post & grabbing some grub for dinner.

As you know we went on a little road trip to Greenville yesterday and had a absolute fabulous time. I have to say being able to travel around at a moments notice is probably the only thing I'm loving about being back on the mainland. 

Today was a super windy & chilly day in the South meaning the pups didn't get their walk in. Thankfully I didn't feel to bad about it seeings I took them on a super long walk before we left yesterday. We were pretty lazy for the most part and didn't do much but lounge around the house till dinner time. We had plans!!! Woop Woop!!!! A group of the guys & gals that the hubbs is going through Drill School with had planned a dinner get together at Olive Garden. They were carbing up for  their big PT test tomorrow. It wasn't to bad of a night, I mean when you have a party of 11 people its going to take a bit longer than normal and things are bound and determined to come out wrong. I was the only Milispouse there and the other 10 were Enlisted Soldiers. It was quite the sight listening to all their stories and cracking jokes on each other. 
We finished up and headed back home to watch the season premier of ARMY WIVES!!!!!!
I am so excited that its finally back on and we didn't have to wait till winter 2012 like they had originally said. The first episode really hit home for me during the first 10 minutes in regards to moving and leaving my best friend. I have a love / hate relationship on how the show totally sucks you in. Sometimes I have to stop and remind myself that its just a TV show. I'm looking forward to the weeks to come and what going to happen. 

I snapped this picture of the hubbs & I after dinner, I'm seriously blessed beyond belief to be married to such an amazing man!!!!

~DAY 143~

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